Stripe OAuth2 provider for League\OAuth2-Client.
First, add chrsm/league-oauth2-stripe
to your composer.json
Here's a (simple) example of how this package can be used:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use chrsm\oauth2\Stripe as StripeProvider;
use chrsm\oauth2\StripeAuthorizationCode;
$stripe = new StripeProvider([
'clientId' => 'Your Stripe Client ID',
'clientSecret' => 'Your Stripe Secret Key',
'redirectUri' => 'URL where you would like Stripe to redirect your user to post-auth',
// psuedo-code, but you get the idea..
if (!isset($tokenVariableFromStripe)) {
header('Location: ' . $stripe->getAuthorizationUrl());
} else {
$token = $stripe->getAccessToken(
new StripeAuthorizationCode,
'code' => $tokenVariableFromStripe,
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
// save what you want
$accessToken = $token->accessToken;
$refreshToken = $token->refreshToken;
$publishableKey = $token->stripePublishableKey;
// .... elsewhere, once you have acquired an access token:
Additionally, you can use the Publishable Key retrieved in Stripe Checkout (or basically anywhere you'd need a Stripe PK).