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GASP — Graph Aware Sync Protocol

The Graph Aware Sync Protocol (GASP) is a powerful protocol for synchronizing BSV transaction data between two or more parties. Unlike simplistic “UTXO list” or “transaction pushing” mechanisms, GASP allows each participant to incrementally build a graph of transaction ancestors and descendants. This ensures:

  1. Legitimacy: Parties only finalize data they can validate, using Merkle proofs, script evaluation, and the other rules of SPV.
  2. Completeness: Recursively, each party pulls in the inputs needed to prove correctness—avoiding partial or “broken” transaction data.
  3. Efficiency: Each participant only fetches and transmits data it doesn’t already have, minimizing bandwidth.
  4. Flexibility: Custom storage, custom remote mechanisms, unidirectional sync, concurrency options, and more.

Table of Contents

Key Features

  • Recursive Sync: Fetches only the needed transaction outputs and recursively fetches input data on demand.
  • Metadata Support: Optionally exchange metadata (e.g., invoice data, descriptions, basket or topical membership, etc.) for each transaction or output.
  • Proof Anchoring: Merkle proofs can be attached to each transaction, ensuring on-chain verifiability.
  • Unidirectional: If desired, you can configure “pull only” mode—where you fetch data from a remote but never push your own.
  • Selective Concurrency: Use fully parallel fetches (Promise.all) or sequential fetches (one at a time) to avoid potential DB locking.
  • Flexible Integration: The GASPStorage and GASPRemote interfaces let you integrate with your own storage logic or remote transport.

How it Works

  1. Initial Request: One peer initiates a request, including a timestamp for when the two parties last synchronized.
  2. Initial Response: The other peer returns a set of UTXOs that it has observed since that timestamp, plus a “since” timestamp for a potential “reply.”
  3. Recursive Graph Building:
    • Each side requests the transaction data (optionally including metadata) for each unknown UTXO.
    • Each newly-received transaction might contain additional unknown inputs, which triggers further fetches.
  4. Graph Finalization: Once all required inputs are fetched, each peer finalizes the newly-validated transaction data into its own store.
  5. Optional “Reply”: In a bidirectional scenario, the second peer then does the same, ensuring both end up with a consistent set of data.

If you set GASP to unidirectional, step 5 is skipped: your local node simply pulls data from the remote, but never sends data back.


npm i @bsv/gasp

Or, if you use yarn:

yarn add @bsv/gasp

Quick Start

Below is a bare-bones recipe to get GASP up and running.

1. Implement the GASPStorage Interface

The GASPStorage interface is your local “database layer.” It controls how you store UTXOs, how you retrieve them, and how you handle partial transaction graphs.

import { GASPNode, GASPNodeResponse, GASPStorage } from '@bsv/gasp'

export class MyCustomStorage implements GASPStorage {
  async findKnownUTXOs(since: number) { /* return an array of unspent TXID-outputIndices since `since` timestamp */ }
  async hydrateGASPNode(graphID: string, txid: string, outputIndex: number, metadata: boolean) { /* return the GASPNode with rawTx, proof, metadata, etc. */ }
  async findNeededInputs(tx: GASPNode): Promise<GASPNodeResponse | void> { /* optionally request more inputs if needed*/ }
  async appendToGraph(tx: GASPNode, spentBy?: string) { /* store the node in some temporary graph structure*/ }
  async validateGraphAnchor(graphID: string) { /* confirm the graph is anchored in the blockchain or otherwise valid*/ }
  async discardGraph(graphID: string) { /* if invalid, discard it */ }
  async finalizeGraph(graphID: string) { /* finalize the validated graph into local storage*/ }

2. Implement (or Obtain) a GASPRemote

A GASPRemote is how you communicate with a remote GASP peer. You can implement your own HTTP fetch logic, use a WebSocket-based approach, or even run everything in the same process for testing.

import { GASPRemote, GASPNode, GASPInitialRequest, GASPInitialResponse } from '@bsv/gasp'

export class MyRemote implements GASPRemote {
  async getInitialResponse(request: GASPInitialRequest): Promise<GASPInitialResponse> {
    // Call remote peer and return their data
    // ...
  async getInitialReply(response: GASPInitialResponse) {
    // Only needed if doing bidirectional sync
    // ...
  async requestNode(graphID: string, txid: string, outputIndex: number, metadata: boolean): Promise<GASPNode> {
    // Request a node from the remote
    // ...
  async submitNode(node: GASPNode) {
    // In a bidirectional sync, we push our node to the remote
    // ...

3. Initialize and Sync

Finally, create the GASP instance, and call sync():

import { GASP, LogLevel } from '@bsv/gasp'

// 1. Create your storage
const myStorage = new MyCustomStorage()

// 2. Create your remote (or re-use an existing GASP instance as the remote)
const myRemote = new MyRemote()

// 3. Instantiate GASP
const gasp = new GASP(
  /* lastInteraction= */ 0,
  /* logPrefix= */ '[GASP] ',
  /* log= */ false,            // legacy logging toggle
  /* unidirectional= */ false, // if true, we only fetch from the remote, never push data
  /* logLevel= */ LogLevel.INFO,
  /* sequential= */ false      // if true, tasks run one-at-a-time rather than in parallel

// 4. Trigger the sync
  .then(() => console.log('GASP sync complete!'))
  .catch(err => console.error('GASP sync error:', err))


Minimal Example

If you just want a quick demonstration of pulling data from a remote, you can see a short example in our tests. This code snippet demonstrates a super-simplified approach:

import { GASP } from '@bsv/gasp'

// ...Suppose we have minimal storage and remote classes from above...
const aliceStorage = new MyCustomStorage()
const bobRemote = new MyRemote()

// Create GASP instance
const aliceGASP = new GASP(aliceStorage, bobRemote)

// Run the sync
await aliceGASP.sync()

Advanced Example: sequential and Log Levels

Sometimes, performing too many concurrent operations (e.g., writes to a database) can lead to locking issues. Also, you might want to control the verbosity of logs.

import { GASP, LogLevel } from '@bsv/gasp'

const gasp = new GASP(
  myStorage,                     // Implementation of GASPStorage
  myRemote,                      // Implementation of GASPRemote
  0,                             // lastInteraction timestamp
  '[GASP Demo] ',                // logPrefix
  false,                         // old boolean log toggle, for backwards-compat
  false,                         // unidirectional? No, do full sync
  LogLevel.DEBUG,                // Use DEBUG or WARN/ERROR
  true                           // sequential? If true, GASP will do tasks in sequence
await gasp.sync()

Unidirectional Pull-Only Sync

You may only want to “pull” data from a remote server without uploading your own. This is common in “SPV client” use-cases.

// Alice sets unidirectional = true
// She only wants to receive data from Bob, not share her own data
const gaspAlice = new GASP(
  '[GASP-Alice] ',
  true  // unidirectional is set to true
await gaspAlice.sync()

// Alice's local store is updated with Bob's UTXOs, but Bob sees no new data from Alice

Dealing With “Deep” Transactions and Metadata

When a new transaction is received, GASP calls your findNeededInputs(...) method. If you require further data (e.g., to verify a scriptSig or a custom metadata field), simply return a requestedInputs object indicating which inputs you need. GASP will request them from the remote automatically.

async findNeededInputs(tx: GASPNode): Promise<GASPNodeResponse | void> {
  // Suppose any transaction with "magic" in the outputMetadata needs further inputs
  if (tx.outputMetadata?.includes('magic')) {
    return {
      requestedInputs: {
        // outpoint -> { metadata: boolean }
        'some_txid.0': { metadata: true },
        'some_txid.1': { metadata: false }
  // If none needed, return undefined

Your remote peer’s requestNode(...) method will deliver these missing pieces, if they exist, ensuring a “deep” transaction graph is built.

Useful Links

  • Comprehensive Tests: The test suite covers everything from version mismatches to recursion edge cases.
  • Real-World Integrations: See the “OverlayGASPStorage” and “OverlayGASPRemote” classes (in the Overlay Services repo) for a real-world application.


  1. Does GASP handle conflicting transactions?
    GASP is agnostic about conflicts. It’s up to your GASPStorage implementation to decide how to handle double spends or conflicting states.

  2. How do I do only pure “SPV proof” validation?
    GASP includes optional Merkle proofs via the proof field. If your validateGraphAnchor(...) checks them, you effectively get SPV-level validation.

  3. What about specialized metadata or policies?
    GASP was built for that. Use txMetadata, outputMetadata, or inputs to store and propagate any custom data. Your code can then gather additional inputs if needed.

  4. What if a remote fails to provide data?
    GASP’s recursion stops. If you never receive inputs you request, you never finalize that transaction. This ensures consistent partial or full finalization.


The license for the code in this repository is the Open BSV License.


Graph Aware Sync Protocol







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