A universal blockchain wallet for cryptos
Handy, almost 1-click
Fast and lightweight
Multiple cryptos blockchains
Tokens ERC20
WalletConnect v1 and v2
Multiple networks (testnets,...)
Multi platforms : PC, Mac and Linux
Open source GPLv3
Official web site : https://uniblow.org
Don't expect to get advanced settings for the fees. This software provides an easy and basic wallet, focused on universality and ease in use, as it works on multiple blockchains and platforms.
Compatible with the following blockchains :
mainnet and testnet networks
Standard wallet (P2PKH)
Segwit P2SH compatibility
Full Segwit wallet bech32 (P2WPKH)
Send to Taproot Bech32m address (P2TR)
mainnet, Goerli and Sepolia networks
ERC20 tokens, NFTs and SBTs
WalletConnect Dapps
mainnet and testnet networks
BEP20 tokens, NFTs and SBTs
WalletConnect Dapps
Mainnet and Mumbai networks
ERC20 tokens, NFTs and SBTs
WalletConnect Dapps
Mainnet, Shasta and Nile networks
TRC20 tokens
Mainnet and Testnet networks
ERC20 tokens
WalletConnect Dapps
Mainnet and Testnet networks
ERC20 tokens, NFTs and SBTs
WalletConnect Dapps
Mainnet and Testnet networks
ERC20 tokens
WalletConnect Dapps
Mainnet, Alfajores and Baklava networks
ERC20 tokens
WalletConnect Dapps
Moonbeam, Moonriver and Moonbase Alpha
ERC20 tokens
WalletConnect Dapps
Arbitrum mainnet
ERC20 tokens, NFTs and SBTs
WalletConnect Dapps
Mainnet and Fuji testnet networks
ERC20 tokens, NFTs and SBTs
WalletConnect Dapps
- mainnet and testnet networks
tz1 wallet
tz2 wallet
Main Tezos, testnet Ghost and Kathmandu networks
mainnet network
Standard wallet (P2PKH)
Segwit P2SH compatibility
- mainnet networks
K1 wallet
EOSio and Jungle3 networks
On Windows : Minimum version is Windows 8.1
- Download the Uniblow binary from the uniblow official website.
To increase the security, the Windows exe releases are signed with our Extended Validation certificate, bringing even greater confidence in the integrity of the application.
On Debian / Tails / Ubuntu :
- Follow the dedicated instructions page.
To increase the security, the Linux binaries releases are signed with our PGP key, bringing even greater confidence in the integrity of the application. The checking process is described in this instructions document.
On MacOS
Download the Uniblow dmg package for Mac from the uniblow official website.
Open the dmg to mount it.
Drag and drop Uniblow (on the left) to the Applications icon on right.
Eject the dmg disk and you can delete the dmg file.
To increase the security, the Mac dmg package and also the uniblow app are signed (stapled) and notarized by Apple, bringing even greater confidence in the integrity of the application.
Useful for paperwallets or one-time analysis of a mnemonic seed. This specific device can be also useful to provide an ephemeral temporary wallet, in TailsOS for example.
This device doesn't store permanently the private keys. It provides a window GUI to read a mnemonic seed, analyzes it, and displays the major cryptos held by this given mnemonic, with their respective balance. It can also securely generate new BIP39 mnemonic seeds. Then one can load a given asset wallet in the app to make some transactions.
The seed generated within SeedWatcher is BIP39 only, and is not compatible with Electrum. You can't input a seed generated with Uniblow in an Electrum wallet without selecting the BIP39 option in Electrum.
Note that Seed Watcher only looks at the one given address account/index. If you used a full HD wallet for BTC, LTC or DOGE (such as Electrum), the whole balance could not be recomputed properly.
Using the Electrum seed derivation, the same limitation applies : it can only look at one address account at a time. That means it may not see all your full Electrum account. You need to manually increase the index number. Additionally, the SeedWatcher can't generate an Electrum compatible seed, still it can read an Electrum seed (of one single address).
This wallet is compatible with BIP39/32/44 wallets. You can save 12/24 words when initializing a new one, and get back you fund late using this same mnemonic.
You can also import an existing wallet from a compatible wallet, and it will use the funds. Note there is a limitation on BTC, LTC and DOGE : it only uses one static address for all transactions on a given blockchain. And it won't retrieve your money if you use some other HD wallets with many transactions.
You can also export the saved words mnemonic in an other compatible wallet, and it should access and use all your funds.
The Local File device stores the wallet seed in a file on your disk, in your
user data directory. The encryption is done with your password. LocalFile stores
only the seed encrypted with a random salt using libsodium XSalsa20/Poly1305,
using an encryption key derived from the user chosen password using Argon2id
(moderate settings).
One can choose to use a default password. To do so, just leave blank the
password prompt input when asked the first time at device setting. Without a
personalized password, the security of the key is what your hard-drive computer
offers for your files.
If you setup a password but forget it, there would be no way to recover your
coins from the backup file. But you can still initialize a new Local File wallet
with the same mnemonic words.
The seed of this wallet is encrypted and stored in a file named HDseed.key, in the user data folder for Uniblow. To backup it, copy the file elsewhere. To remove this wallet and start a fresh one, delete this file. You can also rename it and that would start a new different Local File wallet, and keep the first wallet aside. In this case, rename back to HDseed and you read back the first wallet.
The folder where the HDseed file is stored, sits in the user data directory.
Windows :
C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\BitLogiK\Uniblow\keys\ -
Linux :
or in $XDG_DATA_HOME if defined -
MacOS :
~/Library/Application Support/Uniblow/keys/
This device was previously named HDdevice, and the BasicFile device was removed. If you used the BasicFile device and have cryptos in it, use an old Uniblow version before 1.5 and transfer your fund.
A Ledger hardware device such as Nano X and Nano S, can be used with Uniblow but only for Ethereum/EVM chains (ETH, BSC, MATIC, FTM, OP, METIS, CELO, GMLR, MOVR, AVAX and ARB).
The Ledger needs to be unlocked and run the Ethereum app. The address displayed in the wallet can be checked on the Ledger screen by clicking a dedicated UI button. The Uniblow wallet has a tokens list integrated, which allows to send thousands of major tokens without enabling the "blind signing" features.
In case you use Uniblow with the Ledger on a web3 dapp, with the WalletConnect option, the transactions can require the "blind signing" option to be enabled in the Ledger app. In this situation, a dedicated modal will appear asking you to activate this, and you need to make the transaction again after the option activation.
On Linux, the udev rules need to be allowed for the Ledger USB device. Run this official script as root/sudo to allow the Ledger device.
The Cryptnox card is a crypto credit-card sized hardware wallet with advanced functionalities. This device is very secure thanks to its CC EAL6+ security grade central chip. The compatible models are the BG-1 and the B-NFT-1 cards (single or Dual).
When a BG-1 card is initialized using Uniblow, it generates a BIP39 mnemonic seed, which is loaded in the the card. This mnemonic seed is displayed to the user once during the initialization process, and acts as a backup for the internal keys card. By design, there's no way to extract any private key from the card after the setup. The only way to recover the wallet keys is to perform a new initialization and input the same mnemonic provided. Note that the SeedWatcher device also gives you a temporary and fast access to these keys from the mnemonic, thanks to Cryptnox BIP39 compatibility.
Uniblow doesn't use many advanced features of this wallet, but only simple stuff, to keep it simple and providing the same user experience as the others devices. Uniblow uses the Cryptnox card only with a simple PIN authentication method.
Uniblow can setup and initialize a blank BG1 card. The B-NFT-1 model shall be used already initialized.
If the BG1 card was not initialized using Uniblow, the card needs to be in a state :
PIN enabled
Standard secured channel key
Seed or derivable key loaded
If the card is locked, only half initialized, or in a fancy state, you can use the CryptnoxPro or the Cryptnox iOS app. Because Uniblow cannot perform advanced operations such as PIN unlock, nor card reset.
For quick demo, the default PIN is setup to "1234".
Works with an OpenPGP v2/v3 device that accepts ECP 256K1 key pairs.
This device type is very secure, because the signature is performed in the
OpenPGP physical device, outside of the computer. Most of these devices are
built with a secure element chip. The private key never escapes the hardware
device boundary. Note that the drawback is that there is no easy backup of the
keys, so one have to take care of not forgetting the PIN or losing the device.
Still, you can upload your own keyin this device, but this importation feature
is not supported by Uniblow.
For the best experience, the OpenPGP device should be in its default reset state
before using it with uniblow. Uniblow asks the user to choose the admin PIN
(PIN3), and the user PIN (PIN1), then it configures the device with these PINs.
The device can also be already configured, with one EC256k1 key generated in the
SIG key slot. Uniblow will ask for the user PIN1 and use this key.
Without backup, if you forget the PIN, or lost the OpenPGP device, there would be no way to recover your coins. Except if you initialized the PGP device on your own and uploaded a key pair.
The Yubico 5 is a recommended OpenPGP device.
In ETH, BSC, MATIC, TRX, FTM, OP, METIS, CELO, GLMR, MOVR, AVAX or ARB, you can enable the Tokens option. Select a known preset token, or input an ERC20 custom token address. It is TRC20 base58 address for Tron.
Uniblow can display the NFT or SBT from the collection contract address. NFT ERC721 and SBT BAB are compatible on the networks : ETH, BSC, MATIC, OP, AVAX and ARB. You can select a known preset token, or input an NFT custom address.
In ETH, BSC, MATIC, FTM, OP, METIS, CELO, GLMR, MOVR, AVAX or ARB, Uniblow can connect to a Dapp
using the WalletConnect system. Click on the WalletConnect option,
input the wc URI and it will connect to the web3 app using WalletConnect.
Note that in this mode, Uniblow disables sending any transaction from the GUI.
All the sending transactions have to be performed from the connected web app,
after your approval in Uniblow. Else you have to connect to a standard (or
token) account type to process a sending transaction using Uniblow directly.
With a Ledger device, the transactions can require the "blind signing" option to be enabled in the Ledger ETH app.
Uniblow is offering an alternative to the BIP39 mnemonic derivation method. The SecuBoost algorithm is specific to Uniblow, so it won't work in a different wallet. This derivation option replaces the key derivation function of the BIP39 standard for a much stronger one. The key derivation (BIP39 or SecuBoost) is used to turn your mnemonic words list and password into the BIP32 seed (the H.D. wallet first data key).
The benefit is that you can use a "weaker" password for your wallet, so it is easy to remember. For example, 2 random words in the dictionary would take years to recover. Similarly, only 5 random letters would take also years to be recovered. By strengthening the derivation, one can use a password that is much easier to remember. Another benefit is even without any password setup, it protects your mnemonic better because the derivation is more difficult, and more specific.
Technically, the HMAC(SHA512 x 2048) is replaced with Scrypt(8x Sensitive, spaces removed). A high-end GPU hash-box can perform 1 million BIP39 derivations per second. With SecuBoost, it is approximately only 10 per second. The SecuBoost derivation is 100'000 times slower and additionally it takes 1GB RAM per try, so it is also very robust against large-scale parallel hardware attacks. The SecuBoost algorithm is designed to use a larger amount of memory and time, making a hardware implementation much more expensive, and therefore limiting the amount of parallelism one can use for brute-force recovery. Even a dictionary attack would be slowed down by this time factor.
Note that this algorithm, per design, uses extensive resources : requires 1 GB RAM, and takes approximately 20 seconds on a desktop computer.
Windows : Read the WinDev document.
MacOS : Read the MacDev document.
Linux : Read the LinuxDev document
There are specific instructions and scripts to build uniblow binaries for the Windows, Debian and MacOS platforms in a dedicated build document.
Copyright (C) 2021-2023 BitLogiK SAS
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.