Welcome to the WrapPanel repository!
As the VariableSizedWrapGrid and ItemsWrapGrid both take either user defined sizes or take the size of the first child it isn't easy to display a collection of items with various sizes. The WrapPanel control is created to support these circumstances.
The repository contains two directories:
- WrapPanel, containing the source of the WrapPanel itself;
- WrapPanel.Example, containing an example application demonstrating the use of the WrapPanel.
In your xaml page add the following namespace:
After, you can start using the WrapPanel:
<wp:WrapPanel ItemsSource="{x:Bind Blocks, Mode=OneWay}">
<DataTemplate x:DataType="local:Block">
<Border Background="Black" Width="100" Height="100" Margin="10" />
Below, a screenshot of the WrapPanel in action where all children are sorted by size.