Simple package to automate workflows in google photos.
To use:
- Clone the git repo. Make sure you have node and npm installed. See package.json engines field for required versions.
- Create a file in the root directory called
. Should look like:
const authProperties = {
"cookie": "",
xClientData: "",
export default authProperties;
- Add your cookie and clientData string to that file. To get those values:
- Open up google photos in your browser
- Open the developer tools, and then open the network tab
- Do some action in the google photos UI, like moving a photo to an album. You should see a network request come through going to this endpoint: ""
- right click on that request, and "copy as node-fetch".
- paste the request from your clipboard to a text editor, and you will see your cookie and cliendData
- copy and paste the cooke and clientData into the fields in auth.js
- Look at the example code in main.js. This code pulls down photos that meet a certain search criteria, and then picks 1000 random photos to move to an album called "screensaver". I used these API calls to set up my photo screensaver so I can shuffle the pictures every so often.
- Now start writing your own workflow. Use main.js to write your code, removing or rearranging the example api calls there to create your workflow.
- Run your workflow:
node main.js
And that's it! Not a ton of APIs are supported right now, but I'll add more as time goes on. Feel free to submit a pull request with other APIs and workflows as well!