Collection of materials and tasks about the front-end dedicated for people who would like to:
- begin as front-end developer but they don't know how to start
- try to solve some problems/tasks as practice
- standardize the basics in front-end area
- have one source of true in one place - frontend developer guide
- become a frontend developer hero ;)
The repository was created to help other developers and collect all useful links, materials, tutorials which I personally recommend. Additionaly, repository has set of tasks for beginners.
- Development path
- Recommended IDE
- Version Control Systems
- Front-end technologies
- Chrome Debugging
- Other useful sources
Visual presentation of roadmap to becoming a front-end developer ( source )
Good IDE is an indispensable tool for every developer. You need to match it to your personal needs, code language and specific of work. Below are the tools I recommend.
Sublime text is really friendly tool for all kind of developers. It works best when is well configured. If you want to know more see the Tutorial. All important informations are inside (configuration, instruction, customizations, plugins, etc.).
How to install packages ? - Package Control
Useful packages:
"VS Code is a new type of tool that combines the simplicity of a code editor with what developers need for their core edit-build-debug cycle. Code provides comprehensive editing and debugging support, an extensibility model, and lightweight integration with existing tools." - Open source - Visual Studio Code
Recommend extenstions:
- Atom Keymap
- Auto Close Tag
- AutoFileName
- Autoprefixer
- Beautify
References: Official, ->Download<-
- Introduction to git - ebook from git-tower
- Learn git branching - visual and interactive way to learn Git
- Git tutorial - Commands And Operations In Git
- Learn git - interactive tutorial by CodeAcademy
References: W3Schools - CSS, HTML
- What is the difference between id and class?
- CSS Specifity
- Understanding Z-Index
- A guide to flexbox
- CSS - Position property specifity
- CSS - truncate string with ellipsis (single line)
- CSS - truncate string with ellipsis (multi line)
- CSS - Complete guide to grid
- Learn HTML and CSS - interactive course from CodeAcademy
- HTML beginners guide - Step-by-step Introduction to HTML and creating a simple page
- Flexbox playground and code generator - really nice visualisation of Flexbox powers
References: W3Schools
- Functions (PL)
- Document Object Model (PL)
- DOM elements relations (PL)
- DOM operations (PL)
- Operators (PL)
- Closures (PL)
- Learn Javascript - interactive course by CodeAcademy
- Javascript road trip - interactive course by CodeSchool
- Javascript solo Tutorial - interactive course by SoloLearn
References: W3Schools
- GULP, NODE, NPM - tutorial video PL
- Tutorial GUlP - basic setup with SASS
- Building ES6 Javascript for the Browser with Gulp, Babel, and More
- GULP configurations - PL
- Debugging JavaScript using Breakpoints with the Google Chrome Developer Tools
- Debugging JavaScript in chrome
- Markdown: Syntax by John Gruber - Helpful in creation of a decent