An android library for implementing login/share buttons easily for social networks.
As of now, this is only a UI library. This library does not provide any social network functionality. That you have to code yourself.
You can either download the source or add to gradle via Add jitpack to your dependencies -
repositories {
maven { url "" }
And include the library in your dependencies
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.blackchineykh:Android-SocialButtons:1.0'
To use FloatingActionButtons, (for example a Facebook button), use the FABFacebook
android:layout_margin="7dp" />
Other than the color and the icon, everything else can be changed using the usual xml attributes. android:src
, android:backgroundTint
will have no effect even if you set them in your layout xml.
The FABs are extended from com.melnykov.fab.FloatingActionButton
So all the features of Melnykov Oleksandr's FloatingActionButton library are inherently available here as well.
Usual Button
is also available. To use, for example a Twitter button, use the following in your xml
android:text="Follow on Twitter"
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
You have to set your own text using the android:text
attribute. While the Button has it's own style predefined, you can still override the following via xml attributes -
(Default: false)android:font-family
(Default: sans-serif-ligt normal)android:textSize
(Default: 24sp)android:padding
(Default: 15dp)android:drawablePadding
(Default: 15dp)
You cannot set android:drawableLeft
and the other Right, Top, Bottom drawbles.
NOTE: If you chose to you can set no text, and you'll just get a square button with a social icon in it
This software is licensed under the Apache License V2.0 A copy can be found here