This project involves text mining on scripts from "The Big Bang Theory" across the first 10 seasons, focusing on the character Howard Wolowitz. Participants will preprocess dialogues, analyze sentence/word counts, noun/person name mentions, important words per episode/season, and word co-occurrence.
The dataset comprises text scripts with attributes such as episode name, dialogue, and person scene, stored in a CSV file. Participants can use Python and pandas to import the dataset.
Preprocessing Steps:
- Remove punctuations, convert to lowercase.
- Perform sentence and word tokenization.
- Remove stopwords using NLTK library.
- Apply Porter stemmer for stemming.
- Perform POS tagging and NER using the Spacy library.
Analysis Questions (Howard Wolowitz):
- a. Average sentences and words per episode, exploring season deviations.
- b. Global mentions of nouns and person names.
- c. Identify important words using TF-IDF and bag-of-words, visualizing with Wordcloud.
- d. Examine word co-occurrence using Positive Pointwise Mutual Information.