Sierra-Cedar DevOps Services help you effectively operate at scale in your Cloud Service Provider(s). Sierra-Cedar is a Scalr partner. Check out our FlexOps framework for getting your Terraform code, version control, CI/CD, and cloud infrastructure under control!
The Ignite project by Sierra-Cedar is designed to get you started quickly by deploying a sample business structure, including Environments, Workspaces, IAM Roles, IAM Access Policies, and IAM Teams to kickstart your Scalr experience, and to demonstrate the Scalr provider capabilities, further extending your ability to manage infrastructure as code at-scale. The Terraform code is designed to be used in a Free-Tier Scalr account.
Terraform Version | >= 1.1.4 |
Scalr Provider | 1.0.0-rc36 |
- Terraform resources that use the Scalr provider to build Environments, Workspaces, IAM Roles, IAM Teams, and Access Policies
- A sample organizational structure, including CCOE, Security, HR, Finance, Manufacturing and Marketing Environments
- Each Team is split into SDLC phases (Production and non-Production), and further separated into projects in the Environment Workspaces
- An "iam" folder, where you can add, remove, and update...
- Permissions:
- accounts:read
- roles:read
- teams:read
- software-versions:read
- users:read
- Teams:
- name: Ignite-Security-Admin-Team
description: Security Team with full access to their environment, plus access to the 000-Security Workspace in each Environment
- and Roles:
- name: Ignite-Environment-Admin-Role
description: Read/Write access to all resources in the Environment
- base
- wsadmin
- An "environments" folder where you can add, remove, or update environments, workspaces, and security mappings:
- name: Sandbox
- roles:
- Ignite-Environment-Admin-Role
team: Ignite-CCOE-Admin-Team
- roles:
- Ignite-Environment-ReadOnly-Role
team: Ignite-Security-Admin-Team
- name: 000-Security
- roles:
- Ignite-Workspace-Admin-Role
team: Ignite-Security-Admin-Team
- roles:
- Ignite-Workspace-ReadOnly-Role
team: Ignite-CCOE-Admin-Team
- name: 010-Network
- roles:
- Ignite-Workspace-ReadOnly-Role
team: Ignite-Security-Admin-Team
- roles:
- Ignite-Workspace-Admin-Role
team: Ignite-CCOE-Admin-Team
Go to https://scalr.com and sign up for a Free Tier account, if you haven't already.
Collect Scalr information:
- ACCOUNT_ID -> Found on the Scalr Account Dashboard (Green Menu Context)
- URL -> Your personalized URL to access Scalr (your-account.scalr.io), including the .scalr.io
- ENVIRONMENT -> If you still have the Scalr default "Environment A", scalr-ignite will use that by default and you don't need to do anything. If you deleted Environment A, you will need to create a new environment, attach a Scalr Administrative provider configuration to it, and update vars.tf with the name of your environment.
Install Terraform v1.1.4 or later (earlier releases may work, but are not tested or supported)
Clone/Fork this repository (https://github.com/sierra-cedar/scalr-ignite)
Edit the files labeled UPDATE_ME in each sub-folder with the Scalr Information from Step 2 (above)
Setup your Scalr API credentials:
- Change to the 1 - OrgSDLC sub-folder
- Using the URL from step 2.ii, run terraform login <URL> and answer yes to storing your credentials.
- A new browser window will open to create an API key in Scalr. Give it a description (e.g., Scalr-Ignite) and click Create.
- Copy the generated Token, and return to the command line where you ran terraform login and paste the Token.
Navigate to the 1 - OrgSDLC subfolder.
Run a terraform init to pull down the Scalr Provider and initialize the backend in Scalr.
Run a terraform plan.
- The terraform plan will provide a link to access the "dry run" in Scalr.
- Output from the run will also be shown locally.
- If successful, continue to step 9. If there is a failure, double check that you edited the UPDATE_ME files appropriately.
Run a terraform apply.
Congratulations - you have deployed the Ignite template in Scalr!
If you want to learn more about Sierra-Cedar DevOps Services, please visit our website at https://www.sierra-cedar.com/devops-services/, or contact us at [email protected]
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