Blockscout supports several modes which run in a single all-in-one application by default.
It is possible to run modes separately or in different combinations. For example, you may want to run the indexer mode + API
to create an indexed db with programmatic access and no UI, or indexer mode + UI
to leverage Blockscout as a read-only explorer.
Note that the application is limited to 1 running indexer per 1 Blockscout instance. However, the indexer automatically reruns child processes within the Elixir architecture, making it quite fault-tolerant.
To run these modes separately, adjust ENV variables as follows:
{% hint style="info" %} After extending the set of environment variables for the instance, recompile the application (or rebuilt the docker image, if this is Docker version) to enable mode settings. {% endhint %}
To run Blockscout in indexer mode, disable the web application and API:
export DISABLE_WEBAPP=true
To run Blockscout in web application mode only, disable the indexer and API read methods (API write functionality is not disabled to support smart contracts verification in the UI).
{% hint style="info" %} If you have a separate web application and indexer and they are connected to the same database (via DATABASE_URL), you will see new incoming items on the web UI like in the all-in-one mode. This configuration allows you to scale the web UI separately from indexer. {% endhint %}
To run in API mode, disable the indexer and webapp.
export DISABLE_WEBAPP=true
{% hint style="info" %} In API mode the web UI will show the API docs page at the default path (/). In the default all-in-one mode, it is located on the /api-docs page. {% endhint %}