Releases: bluecaret/carettab
4.7.0 update - IMPORTANT: Changes to Search Bar Widget!
4.7.0 (01/19/2025)
Fixes and other changes
- SEARCH BAR CHANGES: Due to restrictions by Google Chrome, CaretTab can no longer provide a custom search experience. CaretTab is now limited to only being able to search the default search engine that is set in your browser settings (the same engine that is used when you search from the browser address bar). I apologize for this inconvenience, however it was either this or CaretTab gets removed from the web store by Google.
- Fixed styling bug in settings.
- Fixed missing suffix label on date widget.
Update 4.6.0
4.6.0 (10/04/2024)
New features
- Wallpapers can now be any file size! You will still receive a warning message if the file is large saying that it can affect performance, but the wallpaper will apply regardless.
- Added additional "special links" to Quick Links include downloads page, extensions page, browser inspect, browser flags, browser settings, browser about.
Fixes and other changes
- Changed weather forecast days to be capped at 3 days instead of 5. This allows me to use a lower tier plan for the weather API so I don't have to eat the costs for the data since I'm not making money on CaretTab anymore.
- Changed general API used to reduce costs
- Adjusted some links to CaretTab's homepage.
- Fixed: Quick links set to a vertical list had an issue where the last link in the list would always display in the more menu even if it has room.
- Translation fixes.
Update 4.5.0
4.5.0 (03/02/2024)
New features
- Added a new blueprint, "Futuristic Minimal Dash".
Fixes and other changes
- Improved display of widget position and size settings to make them more intuitive.
- Fixed: Two-digit week number for date widget was not working.
- Translation fixes.
Update 4.4.0 - Premium Access is now FREE
4.4.0 (11/25/2023)
New features
- All Premium Access features are now free.
What's happening?
All CaretTab Premium Access features now FREE!
After much consideration, I've decided to make all Premium features of CaretTab available for free. This decision stems from many reasons including the complexities involved in managing subscription services for browser extensions and a desire to branch out to other endeavors.
A Shift in Focus
I am also excited to share that I will be exploring new horizons in Android App development. This shift means that while CaretTab will remain available and functional, my focus on its development will be reduced. This transition to free access ensures that CaretTab can continue to be a part of your daily routine, with less need for active management from my end. Please be assured that I plan to continue keeping CaretTab available for the foreseeable future.
Current Premium Access Subscriptions
If you have a current Premium Access subscription, it will automatically be cancelled. You don't need to take any action regarding this change.
Your Support is Valuable
Your support has been the driving force behind CaretTab. If you wish to continue supporting my endeavors, contributions are welcome at Buy Me a Coffee. Your generosity fuels my passion and allows me to explore new creative avenues.
Feedback and Suggestions
As always, your thoughts and feedback are invaluable. They have shaped CaretTab into what it is today and will continue to be a vital part of its journey.
Thank you for being with CaretTab through its evolution. Your understanding and support mean the world to me as I venture into new areas of development.
Warm regards,
John Hancock (BlueCaret)
Creator of CaretTab
4.3.0 Update
4.3.0 (11/25/2023)
New features
- New: Countdown widget
4.2.0 (10/21/2023)
New features
- New: Dynamic scaling is back and better! Size individual widgets based on the browser screen size.
- New: Widget container and font settings are all available in the free plan, no Premium needed.
- New: You can now filter the widget list when adding widgets.
- Added: IFrame widget for embedding websites on the New Tab.
- Added: Breathing Exercise tool in the toolbar. Requires Premium Access.
- Added: Snake game widget. Requires Premium Access.
- Added: Fidget toy widget. Requires Premium Access.
Fixes and other changes
- Fixed: Meridiem in digital clock would be stuck on AM depending on the selected language.
- Fixed: Multiple spaces now allowed in the Quote and Text widgets.
- Fixed: Various translation bugs.
- Weather widget has a maximum number of widgets allowed to avoid API abuse.
- Fixed: The warning about the weather failing to update was too obtrusive.
- Fixed: Incorrect favicon was showing depending on theme.
- Fixed: Weather container styles not applying correctly.
4.1.1 (08/11/2023)
Fixes and other changes
- Fixed: Default items such as Todo tasks, quotes and quick links sometimes could not be removed.
- Fixed: French translation of the word "save"
- Fixed: Added error handling when weather data is unavailable
- Fixed: Quick Links may not move overflow links to the "more" menu correctly
Known bugs
- Bug: Weather data not downloading - I've discovered a problem with weather not loading correctly around 8PM PST every night. I haven't found a fix but am looking into it. It appears to only be an issue for about 1 hour at that time each night so far.
4.1.0 (08/06/2023)
New features
- Added multiple color modes for the settings UI, choose from dark, dark gray, light, or light gray.
- Added three additional fonts, all based on a 7-segment LED display: "7 segments", "7 segmental digital display", and "Display Free TFB"
- Added new "Vintage Digits" blueprint using the new segmented font.
- Added new unit option for placement of widgets. You can now set the position of widgets based on a percentage of the screen.
- Added a small preview of blueprints so you know what you are getting into.
- Added a settings shortcut for Global Container Styles and Global Font styles from within a widget's settings.
- Added ability to copy current global settings to the container or font styles when overriding the global.
- Backend change to ensure new features are correctly added to existing settings.
Fixes and other changes
- Fixed: Todo widget label toggle wasn't toggling.
- Fixed: Todo widget font setting was not applying.
- Fixed: better error handling for version 3.x migration for those still experiencing the stuck loading screen.
- Fixed: Sync issue where a new install on a different machine will be stuck on the welcome page after settings have synced potentially leading to a loss of settings.
- Fixed: The 90's fever dream blueprint had the incorrect weather layout set.
- Many changes to the Chinese translation (thank you @future93)
Bug fixes
- Fixed language translation of date widget
- Replaced New Tab icon with a simplified version that responds to light/dark modes.
- Fixed timezone for time in Tab title
- Fixed issue where some wallpaper would not apply
- Fixed alignment of quick links
- Changed default alignment of quick links