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The note-c C library for communicating with the Blues Wireless Notecard via serial or I²C.

This library allows you to control a Notecard by writing a C or C++ program. Your program may programmatically configure Notecard and send Notes to

This library is used by the note-arduino library, which includes it as a git subtree.

API Documentation

The API documentation for this library can be found here.

Logging Control

note-c provides a comprehensive and flexible logging functionality.

To activate logging, you must provide a callback for logging via hookDebugOutput(). The callback takes the following form:

typedef size_t (*debugOutputFn) (const char *text);

The callback is responsible for taking a character array (C-style string) and returning the number of bytes processed (written out) as confirmation. The exact implementation will be up to the user who provided the function pointer, but its presence will active logging in the library.

Library Logging

Log Levels

note-c provides for four (4) levels of logging. Here they are listed from most severe to most verbose:


By default, note-c logs at NOTE_C_LOG_LEVEL_INFO.

Default Logging Behavior

To modify the default behavior, you may specify the desired log level at compile time, as follows:


NOTE: In the example above, you will notice we used zero (0), instead of NOTE_C_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR. This is because the warning constants are internal to the library, and not available in the context of the command line.

Here, we have decided to show only the most severe (i.e. [ERROR]) logs. Alternatively, you may set the level to any of the values listed above.

Dynamic Logging Behavior

In the previous section, we discussed setting the base (or default) logging behavior for the library. However, you may also set the log level dynamically, during runtime, by using the NoteSetLogLevel() API.


Notecard Sync Logging ([SYNC])

Tangential to the standard logging behavior, note-c also provides a helper function to invoke/extract synchronization logs from the Notecard.

  • NoteDebugSyncStatus()

Instead of toggling features inside the library, this helper functions sends a request to the Notecard to inquire about its synchronization status and logs those details.

The function is designed to be called in a loop and throttled by a parameter. See the documentation page for more information.


The note-c versioning scheme is a variant of Semantic Versioning.

Below is a high-level overview of the major/minor/patch versions:

  • Major Version: Signals incompatible API changes.
  • Minor Version: Signals added functionality in a backward compatible manner.
  • Patch Version: Signals backward compatible bug fixes.

Beyond the SemVer foundation, Blues has imposed additional requirements for a version to be considered valid:

  • Major/minor/patch versions SHALL NOT be zero.
  • For anything other than major version, version numbers MUST NOT contain EITHER leading zeroes OR trailing zeroes (e.g. version 1.10.2 is invalid).

Example version progression:

1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.11.1, 1.11.2, 1.11.3, 1.12.1, 2.1.1

These additional constraints have been observed to help disambiguate versions and reduce support burden.

Version Artifacts

The version can be referenced/tested programmatically via the following preprocessor defined integers found in note.h:


The version may also be logged via the preprocessor defined string literal, NOTE_C_VERSION.


We love issues, fixes, and pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the Blues Inc code of conduct.

For details on contributions we accept and the process for contributing, see our contribution guide.

More Information

For additional Notecard SDKs and Libraries, see:

To learn more about Blues Wireless, the Notecard and Notehub, see:


Copyright (c) 2019 Blues Inc. Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.