additional tools for easier ETCD administration
gem install etcd-tools --no-rdoc --no-ri
Applies variables from ETCD onto ERB template
Usage: ./etcd-erb [OPTIONS] < template.erb > outfile
Connection options:
-u, --url URL URL endpoint of the ETCD service (ETCDCTL_ENDPOINT envvar also applies) [DEFAULT:]
Common options:
-h, --help show usage
You need to create an ERB template first. There are two special functions, which will help you with fetching the data from ETCD:
Using these two, you should be able to either list subkeys or get a value of a key
Sample ERB code:
# let's fetch some keys
<%= keys('/test').join('\n') %>
<%= keys('/test/nested').join('\n') %>
# and how about a value?
<%= value('/test/plain') %>
produces file like this:
# let's fetch some keys
# and how about a value?
Reads YAML file and imports the data into ETCD
Usage: ./yaml2etcd [OPTIONS] < config.yaml
Connection options:
-u, --url HOST URL endpoint of the ETCD service (ETCDCTL_ENDPOINT envvar also applies) [DEFAULT:]
Common options:
-r, --root-path PATH root PATH of ETCD tree to inject the data [DEFAULT: /config]
-v, --verbose run verbosely
-h, --help show usage
Let's have a YAML file called test.yaml
plain: true
test1: [1,2]
test2: [3,4]
Now import the data with yaml2etcd -v -r /test < test.yaml
Connected to ETCD on
SET: /test/plain: true
SET: /test/nested/test1: [1,2]
SET: /test/nested/test2: [3,4]