Releases: bmad-sim/GTPSA.jl
Releases · bmad-sim/GTPSA.jl
GTPSA v1.2.0
macros now compatible with vectorized/broadcasted arithmetic and mathematical function- Fixed bug in FastGTPSA
function evaluation - For Julia v1.9 users of the FastGTPSA macros, see the note in the manual section for
Merged pull requests:
- Fastdot (#127) (@mattsignorelli)
Closed issues:
- Add to C code to allow composition of single TPS function instead of vector (#125)
GTPSA v1.1.0
- Jacobian now accepts
trait specified forTPS
type to act as scalar in dot operations
GTPSA v1.0.0
Major updates:
- New
struct with memory allocated in Julia - Julia's GC now aware of memory usage, no memory overload
- New
macro @FastGTPSA
both now thread safe, GTPSA compiled with OpenMP@FastGTPSA(!)
now can act on blocks of code (see the documentation)- Bug fixes for
, where expressions are now read left-to-right for proper stack-like usage of temporary buffer - Infix operators and functions for temporaries no longer exported
- Mutating, in-place functions for all mathematical operations now defined
- Significant clean-up of library internals
- Significant developer documentation updates
Merged pull requests:
- New TPS struct (#123) (@mattsignorelli)
GTPSA v0.7.0
- Hessian getter function has been optimized
- Bug fixed in jacobiant (transpose of Jacobian) getter
- Hessian, jacobian, gradient, are no longer exported following convention of other AD packages
- Changing descriptors constraints loosened to number variable + number parameters are equal, instead of each individually having to be equal
- setGTPSA! and getGTPSA global variable getter/setter functions removed (no need with Julia base setglobal! and getglobal
- setTPS! function added for setting a TPS/ComplexTPS in place equal to some Number (including TPSs) with option for changing descriptors using the change flag
- thread safety warning added to @FastGTPSA documentation
- jll updated: bug fixes in inversion and more flexible composition
Merged pull requests:
- Dev 1 (#116) (@mattsignorelli)
- realign with MAD (#118) (@mattsignorelli)
- Scale tps (#119) (@mattsignorelli)
GTPSA v0.6.1
Bug fixes:
- No sharing of descriptors with same no
- Memory corruption issues fixed
GTPSA v0.5.2
GTPSA v0.5.1
Overloaded zero and one for allocated TPSs
Added empty get/set
Fixed complex getv