This vimrc aimes to collect some useful plugins for web developers using PHP, Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript.
This is a fork from vgod''s vimrc ( I adjust the bundle list for this vimrc to focus on web development. I also use Vundle ( is to replace Pathogen ( because I found Vundle to be more elegent especially when I have to update or remove the bundle list.
Author: Brooky Yen [email protected] Fork me on GITHUB
The distribution is designed to work with Vim >= 7.3.
The distribution also requires ack, ctags, git, ruby and rake. I recommend using the GUI version of VIM (gvim on Linux and Windows, MacVim on OSX) for some plugin only support GUI version (e.g. Command-T). The recommended way of installing MacVim is using Homebrew. If you don't use Homebrew, you can download MacVim here.
Acksearch inside the current directory for a pattern and list the matched files on the split window. You can open, preview, or open it in new tab.
AutoComplPop provides an IDE-liked pop-up window for the suggested input. It can save a lot of time for developers. Although this plugin is not under actively developement, I found it still work perfectly and provides what I need efficiently. (I tried neocomplcache but it runs VERY slow on my computer)
Command-T let you jump to files you want via input fuzzy file name.
Snipmate provides many useful code snippets for languages such as c, cpp, css, html, java, javascript, php, python, etc. (here is the complete list for the supported languag )
PHP Documentor generate code comment block for php file and function
JsLint check your javascript syntax whenever you save the file.
- autoclose
- CuteErrorMarker
- easymotion
- matchit
- nerdcommenter
- OmniCppComplete
- powerline
- surround
- tagbar
- yankring
Use curl (for Mac OS X):
curl -o - | sh
or wget (for most UNIX platforms):
wget -O - | sh
clone this vimrc
git clone
Link .vim folder and vimrc ln -s vimrc ~/.vim; ln -s vimrc/vimrc ~/.vimrc; ln -s vimrc/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc;
create backup and tmp folder
mkdir ~/.vim/backup; mkdir ~/.vim/tmp;
install configured bundles
vim +BundleInstall! +BundleClean +q +q
make command-T
cd bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t; ruby extconf.rb && make;