This data is a log of estimated cost of energy applications snapshoted from a Kenya Power simulation.
This data is in no way canon. It is only provided for those curious about application consumption. Fiat energy cost values are only a snapshot with no implied veracity. The cost per unit of energy is down the cumulative consumption in a billable period. It varies across use and customer type (domestic/industrial and so on)
Data is collected from a WEMO switch using the script in tools.
This can be scraped using prometheus on OpenWRT using prometheus-node-exporter-textfile
Data is published in CSV
Abbrv | Full Name |
KwH | Kilowatt Hour |
FERFA | Foreign Exchange Adjustment |
INFA | Inflation Adjustment |
ERC | Energy Regulary Commission Levy |
REP | Rural Electrification Authority Levy |
WARMA | Water Resource Management Authority Levy |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
Estimates are computed using Kenya Power's energy simulation.