The easy way to remove your referrer spam and ghost traffic from your Google Analytics account.
Currently we support:
- Connect to GA account
- Disconnect from GA account
- View list of your properties
- Compute filter base on existing referrers from the view
- Extract referrer spammers from referrer-spam-blacklist
- Apply filters
- Remove filters
- No database required since we don't store any information on the server
- Most of the logic is on the client side and the server only makes the requests to the Google Analytics API
You can see the demo at http://referrerspambot.icenodes.com/
We were having issues with some of our Google Analytics properties and we decided to hack an internal tool which later was released to the public.
- Meteor >= 1.4.x
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- Download / Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/bmustata/referrer-spam-bot
- Navigate into your project directory 'cd referrer-spam-bot'
- Put your Google Analytics API key 'ga_client_id' and 'ga_scope' in
file - Start the Meteor application with
- Open
in your browser
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Provided by ICENodes - www.icenodes.com