Telegram Bot monitoring Instagram accounts and send photos Now bot parsing RSS-feed of, getting photos with titles and send it to subscribers
If I missed something somewhere that isnt correct. You can always start an issue and I will try and correct the translation.
None of the code is my own this is all @stasyatr code. I just tried to make it usable for non-Russian users...
1. /start - adding chat to
2. /admin token - adding user as administrator (other users can't subscribe and not getting photos, it's private bot)
3. %username% - getting menu for subscribe / unsubscribe / getting photos of username template
BOT_API_TOKEN = '''your token for bot by telegram'''
BOT_ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'password / token for bot admin'
KEY = '''encryption key for db'''
sudo apt install -y python3 python3-pip libsqlcipher-dev build-essential git
tar zxvf urllib3-1.21.1.tar.gz
cd urllib3-1.21.1
python3 install
git clone /opt/InstagramTelegramBot/
cd /opt/InstagramTelegramBot/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo cp instagramtelegrambot.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable instagramtelegrambot.service
sudo service instagramtelegrambot start