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customizing django-cms, as a set of diferent apps, that can be installed individually


Yet to be done/explored

  • djangocms_misc.apphook_templates
    • somehow link app_hook and template together (make apphook selectable via template -> magic [signals])
    • needs proofe of concept
  • management commands (?!)

Installation & Usage

To get the latest stable release from PyPi

pip install djangocms-misc

Add needed djangocms-misc subapps to your INSTALLED_APPS

    'djangocms_misc.basic',  # tags, cms frontend enhances
    'djangocms_misc.admin_style',  # djangocms-admin-style enhanced
    'djangocms_misc.apphook_templates',  # experimental, not implemented


  • Frontend: Hide CMS's "create" button in toolbar, make structure mode lightly transparent
  • page_link tag: {% page_link "reverse_id_or_the_like" "css_class_name" "custom_link_text" %}
  • helper tag for getting images from image fields in plugins/placeholders. useful for fb:og tags and the like.
  • RedirectFirstSubpageMiddleware, convenient redirect to first subpages.
  • PasswordProtectedMiddleware, to keep away bots from staging systems
  • Bot404Middleware, to keep away bots from staging systems
  • get_env context processor, to always have env (stage/live) and current SITE_ID

Pagelink tag, looks for page, displays nothing if nothing found.

{% load djangocms_misc_tags %}
{% djangocms_misc_page_link 'contact' %}

CMS Frontend style, very small adaptions, plus removing the "create" button in the toolbar. You must include the following stylesheet in your main html template.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ STATIC_URL }}djangocms_misc/css/cms_frontend_adjust.css">

get_env contect processor, add SITE_ID and if available, is_live/stage/dev/whatever to the context.



to your settings.TEMPLATESs context processors. If settings.ENV = 'live', your context will have is_live set to true.

RedirectFirstSubpageMiddleware, allows to automagically redirect to a pages first subpage, only if and when, the redirect field is filled with /firstchild.



to your settings.MIDDLEWARE. A small change to the menu/menu.html template is needed, check (in fact, only check if the redirect is actually /firstchild). To make this work, djangocms_misc.basic must be before cms, in INSTALLED_APPS. Also, check your own menu templates, if you have.

PasswordProtectedMiddleware, only allows authenticated users to access your site - you'll first need to enter valid credentials at the django admin login screen (normally /admin/login/ )



to your settings.MIDDLEWARE (old style MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES should still work).

Bot404Middleware, raises a 404 for bots, if enabled. Requires django-user_agents. No more recommended, better use password protected middleware.



to your settings.MIDDLEWARE (old style MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES should still work). To really enable it, you need to explicitly set settings.DJANGOCMS_MISC_BOT404 = True.

Admin Style

  • better change view styles for djangocms-admin-style (visible fieldsets/inlines/etc)
  • other minor admin enhancements/bugfixes for djangocms-admin-style

Add djangocms_misc.admin_style to INSTALLED_APPS, before djangocms_admin_style, to have a slightly optimized/opiniated djangocms-admin-style version. No further action needed.

Alternate Toolbar

Other structure for the main CMS toolbar.

  • User
    • Change password, user settings, logout
  • Administration
    • Pages, Files, Whatever, ...
  • Page
    • you know this one
  • Language
    • as is
  • Clipboard
    • more visible

Add djangocms_misc.alternate_toolbar to INSTALLED_APPS, and you'll have it as is. If you want custom items in your administration menu, create your own, as follows:

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from cms.toolbar_pool import toolbar_pool
from cms.utils.urlutils import admin_reverse
from djangocms_misc.alternate_toolbar.cms_toolbars import AlternateBasicToolbar


class CustomToolbar(AlternateBasicToolbar):

    def add_more_admin_menu_items(self):
        advanced_menu = self.admin_menu.get_or_create_menu("advanced", "Erweitert")

Global Untranslated Placeholder

  • WARNING: experimental

Get real untranslated placeholders, that have the same plugins, for all languages. monkey patch cms.plugin_rendering.ContentRenderer, to one language only, always. Very simple patch, but side effects still need to be checked out (haystack / aldryn_search seems ok?!)

usage: add djangocms_misc.gloabl_untranslated_placeholder to INSTALLED_APPS. In your settings, add DJANGOCMS_MISC_UNTRANSLATED_PLACEHOLDERS = True or = 'lang_code', True would default to your settings LANGUAGE_CODE. This is then the language your plugins will be filled in and rendered.


  • WARNING: experimental

Goal: Make the "Publish Page changes" button non existent, so draft and live version are always the same. With every change made in content or pages, publish the page(s) automagically. Using cms signals, this is more or less implemented, but still heavily experimental.

usage: add djangocms_misc.autopublisher to INSTALLED_APPS. Due to when exactly some singals are called, you must add the following stylesheet, to hide the publish button with css:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ STATIC_URL }}autopublisher/css/autopublisher.css">

Untranslated Placeholder (not under development currently!)

WARNING: very experimental. Would allow mixed translated/untranslated placeholders. Get real untranslated placeholders, that have the same plugins, for all languages. monkey patch cms.utils.plugins.assign_plugins, and due to "different trees", other monkey patches may be needed (sorting/structure mode!). Currently trying different approaches, that can be tried: djangocms_misc.editmode_fallback_placeholder (always displaying fallbacks) or djangocms_misc.untranslated_placeholder (kind a "real" untranslated placeholder).

usage: add on of the mentioned apps to INSTALLED_APPS. In your placeholder settings, either add editmode_language_fallback: True or untranslated: True, depending which version you have installed. There you go.


Getting started

WARNING: No testsuite yet!

  • there is test app, available with ./ runserver.
  • to run tests: ./ test
  • to run tests with django 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11: tox


If you want to contribute to this project, please perform the following steps

# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
mkvirtualenv djangocms-misc
pip install -r test_requirements.txt
git checkout -b feature_branch
# Implement your feature and tests
git add . && git commit
git push -u origin feature_branch
# Send us a pull request for your feature branch