Using fabric (fab-classic) and ansible-vault (for encryption of .env files). Works best with bnzk/django-layout - this repos contains many of the expected files (nginx configs, supervisord, init files, etc) that are needed for deployment.
There are mainly two hosting providers covered:
-, using supervisord or init files for gunicorn and nginx
-, using nginx, uwsgi (emperor mode)
Automatic put/get for mysql/postrgres and for media files is implemented
Future development could involve using djangoeurope API and's sudo tools to allow even more of the bootstrapping process to be automated.
Create a fabfile and import tasks:
from fabric_bnzk.tasks import * # noqa
env.project_name = 'your_project_name' # required. used to create folder name on server
env.repository = '[email protected]:organization/{project_name}.git'.format(**env) # required. repos?
env.remote_ref = 'origin/main' # required. remote branch to be checked out and deployed
env.project_conf = 'project.settings' # required
env.env_prefix = '' # default: ''. env prefix, used to build repos folder name: projectname-env_prefix.
# Can be empty if you dont have multiple envs, or if they are on different servers/user accounts
env.main_user = '{project_name}'.format(**env) # required. user to login to the server
server = '{main_user}'.format(**env) # required. [email protected] ssh connection string
env.roledefs = { # deprecated but required for now. future versions will only support one server!
'web': [server],
'db': [server],
env.build_put_webpack = True # default: True. build and put the frontend assets during deploy? not needed if you
# have your assets in version control, or if your assets are built within django/libsass/etc.
env.is_python3 = True # default: True. legacy setting ;-)
env.sites = ('{{ project_name }}', 'another_site', ) # default: (env.project_name, ). django sites
# (from sites framework) to be run
env.is_postgresql = True # default: True. False for mysql. only used for put/get_db/create_db
env.needs_main_nginx_files = True # default: True. False if you have more than one project under one user on the server (not recomended)
env.is_supervisord = True # default: True. use supervisord to run gunicorn/nginx (djangoeurope mode)
env.is_nginx_gunicorn = True # default: True. run nginx/gunicorn (djangoeurope mode)
env.is_uwsgi = False # default: False. run with uwsgi ( mode)
env.is_apache = False # default: False. not supported ;-)
env.deploy_crontab = True # default: True. deploy the crontab?
# these will be checked for changes
env.requirements_files = [
# this is used with pip install -r
env.requirements_file = env.requirements_files[0]
# these are optional, but are "constructed" if empty (as below), or customized, if needed
env.project_dir = '/home/{main_user}/sites/{project_name}'.format(**env) # optional
if env.env_prefix:
env.project_dir += '-{env_prefix}'.format(**env)
env.virtualenv_dir = '{project_dir}/virtualenv'.format(**env) # optional
env.gunicorn_restart_command = '~/init/{site}-{env_prefix}.sh restart' # optional
env.gunicorn_stop_command = '~/init/{site}-{env_prefix}.sh stop' # optional
env.nginx_restart_command = '~/init/ restart' # optional
Once setup, you can use the built in tasks. For example:
$ fab show # (instead of "show", enter any other not existing task) to get a list of available commands
$ fab bootstrap # bootstrap on remote server: clone_repos, create_virtualenv and install libs, create_db,
# copy nginx initial files
$ fab deploy # deploy: update, collectstatic, migrate, deploy crontab, restart
$ fab update # update repos (and dependencies in virtualenv) only
$ fab shell:'ps fux' # check server processes
$ fab dj:createsuperuser # execute django management command
$ fab memory # memory consumption
$ fab restart # restart only
$ fab get_db get_media # fetch db and media files
Use fabric tasks seperate between stage and live environment. The one and very important thing: All changes that you
apply on the env
in one "environment switch" must be applied in the other switche(s) too. Otherwise you'll end up with
an inconsistent env
from fabric.api import task, env
from fabric_bnzk.main_tasks import * # noqa
# ==============================================================================
# main env definition
# ==============================================================================
env.is_python3 = True
env.project_name = 'your_project_name' # name of git repos?
env.repository = '[email protected]:bnzk/{project_name}.git'.format(**env)
env.sites = ('{{ project_name }}',)
env.is_postgresql = True # False for mysql! only used for put/get_db
env.needs_main_nginx_files = True
env.is_supervisord = True
env.is_nginx_gunicorn = True
env.is_uwsgi = False
env.is_apache = False
env.remote_ref = 'origin/main'
# these will be checked for changes
env.requirements_files = [
# this is used with pip install -r
env.requirements_file = env.requirements_files[0]
# ==============================================================================
# tasks which set up deployment environments
# ==============================================================================
def live():
Use the live deployment environment.
env.env_prefix = 'live'
env.deploy_crontab = True
env.main_user = '{project_name}'.format(**env)
server = '{main_user}'.format(**env)
env.roledefs = {
'web': [server],
'db': [server],
def stage():
Use the sandbox deployment environment on
env.env_prefix = 'stage'
env.deploy_crontab = False
env.main_user = 'bnzk-stage'.format(**env)
server = '{main_user}'.format(**env)
env.roledefs = {
'web': [server],
'db': [server],
def generic_env_settings():
if not getattr(env, 'deploy_crontab', None):
env.deploy_crontab = False
env.project_dir = '/home/{main_user}/sites/{project_name}-{env_prefix}'.format(**env)
env.virtualenv_dir = '{project_dir}/virtualenv'.format(**env)
env.gunicorn_restart_command = '~/init/{site}-{env_prefix}.sh restart'
env.gunicorn_stop_command = '~/init/{site}-{env_prefix}.sh stop'
env.nginx_restart_command = '~/init/ restart'
# not needed with uwsgi emporer mode, cp is enough
# env.uwsgi_restart_command = 'touch $HOME/uwsgi.d/{site}-{env_prefix}.ini'
env.project_conf = 'project.settings._{project_name}_{env_prefix}'.format(**env)