In the depths of the Science Hall Building, where the fluorescent lights flicker and the whirring of computer fans never ceases, lies a world that only computer science students at New Mexico State University truly understand. It's a world filled with late nights, debugging nightmares, and the occasional eureka moment. As students, we've all walked these halls, faced the challenges, and celebrated the victories that come with pursuing a degree in this demanding field. But what if we could take these shared experiences and transform them into a game that not only entertains but also unites our community?
Enter "Science Hell," a game that aims to unite and encapsulate the essence of the computer science community at NMSU. As a team, we embarked on this project with no prior experience using the Godot game engine or developing games. This presented a significant challenge, as we had to learn the ins and outs of game development while simultaneously creating a product that we could be proud of.
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