This service reads boiler and thermostat values from vSmart platform (Vaillant) and exposes the data to an MQTT broker following the Homie V4 convention.
The data is modeled as:
- vSmart (Device)
- Thermostat (Node)
- Current Temperature
- Setpoint Temperature
- Setpoint Mode
- System Mode
- Battery
- Outdoor (Node)
- Outdoor Temperature
- Boiler (Node)
- eBus Error
- Boiler Error
- Maintenance Status
- Refill Water
- Thermostat (Node)
To connect to the vSmart platform the app needs the following required environment variables (instructions):
Aditionally, the (optional) MQTT connection parameters can be stablished using:
- MQTT_BROKER (default: localhost)
- MQTT_PORT (default: 1883)
- MQTT_USER (default: None)
- MQTT_PASSWORD (default: None)
- MQTT_CLIENT_ID (default: vsmart2homie)
Finally, the project is based on the following libraries:
- Homie4 Thanks @mjcumming!
- pyvaillant Thanks @pjmaenh!