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MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 274, revised description
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holfordm committed Jan 17, 2025
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81 changes: 51 additions & 30 deletions collections/Canon_Class_Lat/MS_Canon_Class_Lat_274.xml
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<title>MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 274</title>
<title type="collection">MSS. Canon. Class. Lat. (Canonici Latin Classical)</title>
<resp>Summary description</resp>
<persName>Elizabeth Solopova</persName>
<resp when="2025-01">Cataloguer</resp>
<persName>Matthew Holford</persName>
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<msItem n="1" xml:id="MS_Canon_Class_Lat_274-item1">
<locus>(fols. 2r-115v)</locus>
<author key="person_100197892">Vegetius</author>
<title key="work_4900">De re militari</title>
<rubric>Flavii Vegetii Renati viri illustris comitis Etolii epythoma institutionum rei miliaris li. incipit l. f. <note>[in capitals]</note></rubric>
<incipit>Primus liber elec<note>[in capitals]</note>tionum edocet iuniorum</incipit>
<note>Followed by capitula for the first book.</note>
<rubric>Incipit liber primas ad Theodosium imp. <note>[in capitals]</note></rubric>
<incipit>Antiquis temporibus <note>[in capitals]</note> mos fuit</incipit>
<finalRubric>Flavii Vegetii viri illustris comitis Atilii epythoma de institutis rei militaris libri quinque expliciunt feliciter de commentariis Augusti Traiani Adriani Catonis Cornelii Celsi Fortiniani Frontini Paterni et aliorum abstracti <note>[in capitals]</note></finalRubric>
<colophon>Iacobus Curlus mandato serenissimi regis Alfonsi Aragonum et utriusque Sicilae triumphantissimi transcripsit Neapoli xii kal. Augusti <note>[in capitals]</note></colophon>
<note>Ed. M. D. Reeve, Oxford Classical Texts (2004).</note>
<note>Divided into five books (IV.31-46 treated as book V; on the division see Reeve, ed. cit., p. liii).</note>
<note>M. Reeve, 'The transmission of Vegetius’s Epitoma rei
militaris', <title>Aevum</title> 74, 1 (2000),: 243-353 at 297 comments briefly on the textual affiliations of the manuscript.</note>
<note>Fol. i r-v blank; fol. 1r blank; fol. 1v with miniature, see Decoration.</note>
<note>Fols. 116r-117v blank.</note>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>i (unfoliated paper endleaf of the date of the binding) + 118 (fols. ii, 1-117) + i (unfoliated paper endleaf of the date of the binding)
<dimensions unit="mm" type="leaf">
<width quantity="198">c. 198</width>
<foliation>i-ii, 1-117</foliation>
<collation>1(2) (fols. ii-1, with miniature on fol. 1v), 2-15(8) (fols. 2-113), 16(4) (fols. 114-117). Catchwords (horizontal, in lower inner margin); occasional remains of leaf signatures (?) (fols. 28r, 43r)</collation>
<layout columns="1" writtenLines="20" topLine="above" rulingMedium="hardpoint">1 col. of 20 lines; ruled in hard point; written above top line; ruled space <dimensions unit="mm" type="ruled">
</dimensions> with two columns of c. 8 mm. to each side of the main ruled area.</layout>
<handNote>Written in humanistic script by <persName key="person_52543615" role="scr"> Jacobus Curlus </persName> on the order of <persName key="person_290606108" role="pat"> Alfonso V </persName>, fol. 115v. (<ref target="">Pächt and Alexander</ref> ii. 363)</handNote>
<handDesc hands="1">
<handNote script="humanistica">Humanistic script by <persName key="person_52543615" role="scr"> Jacobus Curlus (Jacopo or Giacomo Curlo)</persName> (active in Naples from 1445), fol. 115v. </handNote>
<decoNote type="miniature">Fine miniature. <list type="gloss">
<head>fol. 1v</head>
<seg type="genreform">miniature</seg>
<seg type="subject">A knight on horseback (Alfonso V of Aragon, I of Naples (?)).</seg>
<decoNote type="border">Fine borders. <list type="gloss">
<head>fol. 1v</head>
<seg type="genreform">full border</seg>
<seg type="subject">Floral designs; two angels support a shield with the arms of Aragon and Calabria quartered.</seg>
<decoNote type="decInit">Fine initials. (<ref target="">Pächt and Alexander</ref> ii. 363, pl. XXXV)</decoNote>
<summary>Gennaro Toscano has tentatively attributed the miniature to the <persName role="art" key="person_39299825">Maestro di Isabella di Chiaromonte</persName> (in <title>La bibliotheca reale di Napoli ...</title> (exh. cat., 1998), p. 374, and in <title>Dizionario biografico dei miniatori italiani: secoli IX-XVI</title>, ed. M. Bollati (Milan, 2004), pp. 691-2).</summary>
<decoNote type="miniature">Miniature, fol. 1v: Alfonso V of Aragon, I of Naples, in armour, on horseback.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="border">Full border of floral designs, fol. 1v; two angels support a shield with the arms of Aragon and Calabria quartered.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="border">Full border of coloured interlace and scrollwork, fol. 2r.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="decInit">White-vine initials, 4-line for books, 2-line for chapters. 4-line initial P on scrollwork background, fol. 2r.</decoNote>
<binding notAfter="1810" notBefore="1790">
<p>For Canonici (?) (see Provenance): green leather over pasteboards; gilt tooling around the edge of each cover, and on the spine; red leather label on the spine 'FL. VEGETII DE RE MILITARI', and below, in gilt on the spine itself, 'COD. M. PRO REG. ARAG'. Endleaves of laid paper, watermarked with bow and arrow (?) and initials A M or M A (cf. <ref target=""></ref>). Pastedowns of decorated paper in red and yellow with a zigzag design. </p>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1458" notBefore="1442">14421458</origDate>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1458" notBefore="1442" cert="high">1442 or 1445 × 1458</origDate>
<country key="place_1000080">Italian</country>, <settlement key="place_7004474">Naples</settlement>
<!--ORIGINAL: Italian, Naples-->
<provenance notAfter="1805" notBefore="1727" resp="#MMM"><persName key="person_2384880" role="fmo">Matteo Luigi Canonici, 1727–1805</persName></provenance>
<provenance>Written for <persName key="person_290606108" role="pat">Alfonso V of Aragon and I of Naples (r. 1442-1458)</persName> (colophon, fol. 115v). </provenance>
<provenance>Library of the Kings of Aragon at Naples: perhaps identifiable in 'inventory A' (1481), no. 144, and 'inventory B' ('Index regalium codicum Alfonsi regis ad Laurentium Medicem ex Neapolitana eius bibliotheca transmissus'), Historici 146 (T. de Marinis, <title>La biblioteca napoletana dei re d'Aragona</title>, II, 190, 197).</provenance>
<provenance notAfter="1805" notBefore="1727" resp="#MMM"><persName key="person_2384880" role="fmo">Matteo Luigi Canonici, 1727–1805</persName> (source of acquisition not known; not from Jacopo Soranzo).</provenance>
<provenance notAfter="1807" resp="#MMM"><persName key="person_446" role="fmo">Giuseppe Canonici , -1807</persName></provenance>
<acquisition resp="#MMM" when="1817">Purchased by the Bodleian in 1817</acquisition>
<source><ref target="">Summary description</ref> abbreviated from the Quarto Catalogue (H. O. Coxe, <title>Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ pars tertia codices Græcos et Latinos Canonicianos complectens</title>, Quarto Catalogues III, 1854). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1970). <listBibl>
<source>Description by Matthew Holford (Jan. 2025). Previously described:
<bibl>Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, <title>Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford</title>, II (1970), no. 363</bibl>
<bibl>H. O. Coxe, <title>Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ pars tertia codices Græcos et Latinos Canonicianos complectens</title>, Quarto Catalogues III, 1854)</bibl>
<bibl facs="abz0119.gif" type="QUARTO"> Quarto Catalogue, vol. 3, col. 226 </bibl>
<bibl facs="aaz0342.gif" type="SC">Summary Catalogue, vol. 4, p. 323</bibl>
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<change when="2025-01">Matthew Holford: description revised for publication on Digital Bodleian.</change>
<change when="2018-10-14" xml:id="MMM"><persName>Mitch Fraas</persName> Provenance and acquisition information added using <ref target=""></ref> in collaboration with the <ref target="">Mapping Manuscript Migrations</ref> project.</change>
<change when="2017-07-01">First online publication.</change>
<change when="2017-05-25"><persName>James Cummings</persName> Up-converted the markup using <ref target=""></ref></change>
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<!-- new -->
<person xml:id="person_39299825">
<persName source="bodl" type="display">Master of Isabella di Chiaromonte, fl. ?1450-1465</persName>
<person xml:id="person_475149198318774940008">
<persName source="LC" type="display">Mezzani, Menghino, -1376</persName>
<person xml:id="person_47109975">
<persName source="LC" type="display">Hakewill, William, 1574-1655</persName>
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