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All the required configuration options are stored in the .env file. If the file doesn't exsist, copy the .env.template file and rename it to .env. Then, modify the .env file to fill in all the required credentials.

To change the port number, open docker-compose.yml, find the config for django, then locate the port option. You will find the port option formated as PORT_NUMBER:8000. ONLY MODIFY THE PORT NUMBER BEFORE :.


A docker-compose file is provided to run the entire tech stack with Docker. This includes Django, React as well as PostgreSQL.

First time setup

If you are running the project for the first time, a few setup steps need to be perform first. To start, you will need to have docker as well as docker-compose installed on your system. If you are using Windows, it is highly recommended that you install Docker Desktop directly.

After Docker is installed, we'll need to build the docker images for the project, to do so, open a console ad cd into the root directory of the project, then execute:

docker-compose build

to build all necessary images. This will take ~5min but might take longer depends on network speed.

After that, in the same console window, execute:

docker-compose up

to start all Docker containers. There WILL be errors. Ignore them for now. After all containers has been started and initialize, open Docker Desktop and navigate to Containers/Apps -> skillsanalysis -> django -> CLI. A console window will show up. In it, execute:

python makemigrations base
python makemigrations api
python makemigrations
python migrate

This will initialize the database. After this is done, close the console window for Django. In the original console window where you started Docker, use ctrl+c to stop all of them.

The setup is now complete.

Running the tech stack

After the setup, running the tech stack should be simple. Simply execute:

docker-compose up

to start all containers. Then navigate to to view the webpage. The default port number is 8000

To run script execute the following code in docker command line:

python runscript -v2 seed_database

Next, add job to cron by executing:

python crontab add

Then, start cron by executing:

service cron start

To ensure cron has started, execute:

service cron status

Note: If you at any point added or removed any dependencies from React or Django, you will have to re-build the docker images. Follow the First time setup guide on how to build the images. If Django model is modified, you will have to re-initialize the database as well.


This is a detailed table showing user & admin permissions on the platform.

Permissions Description User Admin
Registration Registering on the platform with ability to login/logout + +
Upload resume Uploading resume to match jobs with similar skillset + +
Resume skills extraction Extract skills from uploaded resume + +
Edit skills Edit extracted skills from resume + +
View/Edit profile View/Edit user info + +
View/Edit settings View/Edit user settings and permission - +
Job scraping Fetch jobs from Indeed - +
Job skills extraction Extract skills from scraped jobs - +


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