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NOTE: This repo contains only the documentation for the private BoltsOps Pro repo code. Original file: The docs are publish so they are available for interested customers. For access to the source code, you must be a paying BoltOps Pro subscriber. If are interested, you can contact us at [email protected] or

ELB CloudFormation Blueprint


BoltOps Badge

This blueprint provisions an ELB Load Balancer. Both Application or Network Load Balancers are supported.

  • Several AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer properties are configurable with Parameters. Additionally, properties that require further customization are configurable with Variables. The blueprint is extremely flexible and configurable for your needs.
  • By default, an Application ELB is created.
  • You can assign existing Security Groups to the ELB or have the blueprint create a managed security group for you.
  • A Listener and Target Group is also created and automatically setup.
  • Can create an optional managed Route53 record that points to the ELB Endpoint.


  1. Add blueprint to Gemfile
  2. Configure: configs/elb values
  3. Deploy blueprint


Add the blueprint to your lono project's Gemfile.

gem "elb", git: "[email protected]:boltopspro/elb.git"


Use the lono seed command to generate a starter config params files.

LONO_ENV=development lono seed elb
LONO_ENV=production  lono seed elb

The files in config/elb folder will look something like this:

├── params
│   ├── development.txt
│   └── production.txt
└── variables
    ├── development.rb
    └── production.rb

Configure the configs/elb/params and configs/elb/variables files. The parameters required: Subnets and VpcId. Example:



Note Subnets is required when using an Application ELB and you're not using @subnet_mappings for precreated static EIPs with a network ELB.


Use the lono cfn deploy command to deploy.

LONO_ENV=development lono cfn deploy elb --sure --no-wait
LONO_ENV=production  lono cfn deploy elb --sure --no-wait

It takes about 5m to deploy the ELB. Times may vary.

If you are using One AWS Account, use these commands instead: One Account.

Configure: More Details

Security Groups

To assign existing security groups to the RDS database use SecurityGroups. Example:


If not set, then the blueprint will create and a managed Security Group and assign it to the ELB.

Managed Security Group Rules

If you wish to add whitelist rules to the managed security group created by the blueprint, use @security_group_ingress. Example:


@security_group_ingress = [{
  CidrIp: "", # String
  FromPort: 80, # Integer
  IpProtocol: "tcp", # String
  ToPort: 80, # Integer
  CidrIp: "", # String
  FromPort: 443, # Integer
  IpProtocol: "tcp", # String
  ToPort: 443, # Integer

More info: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Ingress

Load Balancer Attributes

You can edit the Load Balancer Attributes with the @load_balancer_attributes variable. Example:


@load_balancer_attributes = [{
  Key: "idle_timeout.timeout_seconds",
  Value: 30

More docs: Filter View: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer LoadBalancerAttribute

Route53 DNS Pretty Host Name

It is recommended to create a Route53 pretty endpoint for the ELB Endpoint. Example:

HTTPS SSL Termination

To configure the ELB to use HTTPS, configure the CertificateArn, Protocol, and Port parameters. Example:

CertificateArn=arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:112233445566:certificate/f29db923-7bba-4a9f-9b58-06ba1EXAMPLE #

Registering Targets

To register targets to the Target Group with code, use the @targets variable:


@targets = [{
  Id: "i-065d6916cc44454d3",
  Port: "8888",

The default is TargetType=instance. If you registering IP and Port combinations, use TargetType=ip. If you are registering Lambda functions, use TargetType=lambda.

Network Load Balancer

If you wish to create a Network Load Balancer instead of an Application Load Balancer, use Type=network. The Listener Protocol and TargetGroupProtocol must also be set to valid supported values for Network Load Balancers. Example:

Protocol=TCP # Examples: TCP_UDP, UDP, TCP, TLS
TargetGroupProtocol=TCP # Examples: TCP_UDP, UDP, TCP, TLS

Network Load Balancer with Existing Static IPs

If you would like to use static IP addresses from pre-created Elastic IP Addresses, EIPs, then you can use the @subnet_mappings variables. Example:


@subnet_mappings = [{
  AllocationId: "eipalloc-111",
  SubnetId: "subnet-111"
  AllocationId: "eipalloc-222",
  SubnetId: "subnet-222"

Note, you also must not use the Subnets parameter when using setting the @subnet_mappings variable. We're only allowed set the Subnets or SubnetMappings property.

Advanced Properties Customizations

@subnet_mappings = [{
  AllocationId: "eipalloc-111",
  SubnetId: "subnet-111"
  AllocationId: "eipalloc-222",
  SubnetId: "subnet-222"

Refer to helpers/variables_helper.rb for the full list of variables.


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