Umbrella Integration of PMF calculations - 1D & 2D
umbrellaint --dim <#> [options] [-h]
pip install git+
Python 3.8 - 3.11
Python 3.12+ is not supported for direct installation due to the deprecation of the distutils
module of numpy
, but it works fine if installed manually.
A Fortran compiler (tested with gfortran)
- NumPy
- SciPy (only needed for 2D)
- Meson and Ninja (only needed for Python 3.12+)
It can also be installed by cloning/downloading the source code from the GitHub repository.
Then, to take advantage of extremely fast functions written in Fortran, a f2py module must be compiled.
After that, ensure that the UmbrellaIntegrator directory can be found in the PYTHONPATH
git clone
pip install -r UmbrellaIntegrator/requirements.txt
make -C UmbrellaIntegrator
Currently supported fDynamo style files. Examples are provided.
First line: Force Constant and Reference Distance
Rest of lines: Distances Sampled
Default file naming: 1D: dat_1.# || 2D: dat_1.#.# dat_2.#.#
Built-in help (-h).
Only mandatory parameter is the dimension of the PMF: 1 or 2
Temperature (in Kelvin) and output units (kj/mol or kcal/mol) can be chosen. Default: 298.0K and kj/mol
Relative location of the input files with '--path'
The coordinate is split into equally spaced bins, local derivatives are calculated on each according to umbrella integration equations and the whole trajectory is integrated. The number of bins to use is set with '--bins'.
Two working modes available:
Irregular/Incomplete Grid : Default mode. Surfaces of any shape, irregularly filled and/or missing points are welcomed. Local derivatives are calculated into an equally spaced grid with '--dist' distance between points. The surface is only generated in areas containing input values. Recommended method if not restricted to a perfect rectangular result.
Regular/Rectangular Grid : Activated with '--regular'. The PMF points are placed in a matrix according to their file name. The output is a grid with the same limits and a density controlled by '--gridf' parameter and based on the initial files. Example: 60x30 with grid=1.2 -> 72x36. Missing input files will lead to errors.
Download the example files from here
umbrellaint --dim 1 --out pmf_1d.dat
umbrellaint --dim 1 --out pmf_1d.dat --path examples/1D --temp 298.15 --units kcal --bins 5000
umbrellaint --dim 2 --out pmf_2d.dat
umbrellaint --dim 2 --temp 328. --dist 0.04
umbrellaint --dim 2 --out pmf_2d.dat --path ../examples/2D/ --temp 313 --regular --gridf 1.5
Boneta, S., Umbrella Integrator, 2021,
Based on the Umbrella Integration method developed by Johannes Kästner and Walter Thiel
Kästner, J. & Thiel, W., J Chem Phys., 2005, 123(14), 144104,
Kästner, J., J Chem Phys., 2009, 131(3), 034109,