To build locally requires the following:
- Truffle v5.3.0
- OpenZeppelin v4.0.0
- The StarNotary smart contract is located in
. - By default, the contract will be deployed with:
- Name:
(Star Wallet in latin) - Symbol:
- These properties can be changed by adjusting the migration script
- Name:
Deployed contract details on the Rinkeby network:
- Contract address: 0xdCc8706Eb863AA411144f9F9378d99235ca6d017
- Deployment Transaction: 0x8b9d8310d5319b1b724198801fcc6b6310f5ffebfd499577576f3a66c8d3e112
- Deployment Account: 0xcabc744D0716AC4E65c16C78c45939708d7078d8
- Adjust the 'networks - develop' section of truffle-config.js to suite your dev environment (the default is set to hostname on port 8545, to support building on wsl2 running on Windows 10)
- Launch the local ethereum test network by running
truffle develop
in the base directory - To build, execute
- To deploy, execute
migrate --reset
- To test, execute
- Change to the
directory - Run
npm install
- Run
npm run dev
- Browse to
, log in to Metamask, and connect to the local ethereum block chain
- Install the hardware wallet provider:
npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider
- Configure the network in truffle-config.js, including an infura project id and mnemonic (held in .secrets and not included in the repo)
- Launch the console, connected to the test network:
npx truffle console --network rinkeby
- Check that you have an account with funding:
- List accounts:
await web3.eth.getAccounts()
- Check balance:
await web3.eth.getBalance('0x000MYACCOUNTID000')
- List accounts:
- Deploy: