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Companies and Individuals Using Beast
We would like to know who is using Beast! If you are an individual, or your company would like to be listed here, please add an entry which includes:
- Individual or Company Name
- Home Page or Company URL (optional)
- Name / URL of Product that uses Beast (optional)
- Link to GitHub Repository if open-source (optional)
- Using HTTP, WebSockets, or Both? (optional)
Malloy by Joel Bodenmann is a high-level wrapper around Beast which provides easy-to-use, embeddable HTTP(s) and WS(S) client and server components.
Nicolai Egjar Engesland (University of Oslo / National University of Ireland, Galway) (https://github.com/nicolai1505) uses Beast (HTTP) on server and for back-end development.
mireo uses Beast.HTTP in projects compact maps and spacetime
xelonic capital GmbH offers financial data analysis, that is accessible for anyone.
Beast.HTTP and Beast.WebSocket are crucial to the data acquisition pipeline.
Liquid.com Liquid Tap has been designed to address the last-mile data needs of new product development.
With extensive use of Beast.HTTP and Beast.WebSocket, Tap serves as a scalable real-time data distribution engine for market data and quotes.
My heartfelt thanks to Vinnie and Damien for their patient support during our familiarisation with Beast and their careful re-explanation of the requirements of asynchronous completion handlers.
Foxy uses HTTP
uses Beast.HTTP and Beast.WebSocket
Nik Bougalis uses Beast.HTTP and Beast.WebSocket
OpenBMC uses Beast HTTP(s) and Websocket
Radio Mast uses Beast.HTTP for a streaming audio server for internet radio.
: Github C++ API Client provides an High level C++ Github Api based on xxhr: intuitive c++ http client library which uses Boost.Beast to provide a portable high-level http API.
octobanana is powered by Belle which uses Beast.HTTP and Beast.WebSocket
F2I-CONSULTING uses Beast.WebSocket to support Energistics Transfer Protocol (aka ETP) in Fesapi
PhraseFinder, a search engine for the Google Books Ngram Dataset (version 2), uses Boost.Beast HTTP for its web API.
Alexander Yakimov uses Beast.HTTP for a server of augmented reality JuliviAR.
proxy uses Beast.HTTP as an HTTP proxy server.
Icinga is an open source monitoring stack. Icinga 2 Core uses Beast, ASIO and Coroutines for the new network stack since 2.11. Beast.HTTP is used for the REST API while ASIO/Coroutine/Context help with TLS connections and JSON-RPC cluster messages for distributed monitoring environments. With using Beast, a lot of handwritten code for HTTP server and clients was replaced and made more robust. Thanks a lot Vinnie and Chris for the many code examples and help in GitHub issues. The developers introducing Beast are Alexander Klimov and Michael Friedrich.
El Paso Funding - is my first website written entirely in C++ using Beast.HTTP. Using Beast, I was able to create a highly flexible web application engine that allows me to build websites in C++ VERY EASILY! Everything is modular where the engine knows nothing of the content nor the markup/css. All content is stored in JSON files, read by the C++ engine along with the markup file which then generates dynamic content. There is no need for me to touch my application when changing content unless it is application specific. For example, on the HOME and the CALCULATOR pages, you will find a mortgage calculator that I wrote in C++. Whenever a page loads, I call the calculator using an AJAX call. Please note that the calculator used in both pages is the very same calculator. I am so pleased with Beast, the same application builds and runs perfectly in Linux or Windows. Thank you Vinnie for extending the ASIO library!
Cornelia Consulting and John Reynolds using beast websockets to connect to cryptocurrency exchanges Websocket Example Connecting To bitstamp.
Shyft open source is using boost::beast for high performance time-series web-api to the distributed time-series service engine. Statkraft is using and actively contributing to this open-source project, including the boost beast library. A great thank to Vinnie for providing this library to us.
terrywh is using boost::beast for a php framework flame (coroutine based async network(http)/web framework)
Robo-FTP uses beast for its HTTP client and server enterprise managed file transfer software.
is a compiler/generator tool that produces UI stylesheets for the Path of Exile online game (called "item/loot filters") based on the user-written configuration in Filter Spirit's own domain-specific language. Filter Spirit uses Boost Spirit to implement its DSL and Beast's HTTP to query game community tools like poe.ninja or poe.watch to obtain current item prices allowing the tool to (re)generate finely grained loot filters that are adjusted to specific gameplay and ever-changing game economy.
Beast has significantly simplified issuing calls to JSON REST APIs. Big thanks for the examples.
loves using Boost.Asio & Boost.Beast to build its medical devices! You guys are awesome!
Edward Boggis-Rolfe Beast Machine A very simple to use, unit test friendly, beastly state machine toolkit. Implement your state machine almost line by line from your state transition diagrams, unit test running both sides deterministically, deploy. Please give feedback.
The HeavyEyelid team use Beast for virthttp, an HTTP libvirt API wrapper, for its HTTP1 functionalities, and soon enough for a special WebSockets interface. Feedback is always appreciated
AIEngine loves using Boost.Asio for packet handling and Boost.Beast for retrieve and configure the system and keep things simple.
tash An C++ library for arangodb uses Beast.HTTP to communicate with arangodb server.
Monocle Security uses Boost Beast for HTTP and WebSockets
Tooploox we have implemented WebRTC library (gstreamer based) which we use in Computer Vision projects to stream RGB and depth camera frames to the web browser running UI frontend. We use Boost Beast WebSockets in our custom implementation of the WebRTC signalling server.
VideoGrace uses Boost Beast for HTTP and WebSockets on client and server
Individual: yanrkchina
Company: Renderbus / FoxRenderfarm
Repository: BoostWeb is a simple library while reference beast sample code, it use beast for http(s)-server and websocket(s)-server(client)
BadAix uses Beast.HTTP for an integrated web server and a REST API and Beast.WebSocket for RPC communication in Snapcast, a synced multiroom audio streaming server.
GroundControl Launchpad (GitHub) uses Beast for its implementation of client-side websockets. We've extended it to use libcurl as a backend to support complex network environments such as proxy-firewalls and custom SSL roots.
WirePulse uses Beast for websocket services as well as http client for inter-service communications. We also use other ASIO derived products such as cpp_mqtt, nghttp for our IoT platform. We also use s3-proxy written by one of our founders to serve all our front-end content.
Sunstone RTLS uses Boost.Beast for handling server-side HTTP and WebSocket requests through its REST API.
Vitrix Software We've created a library that simplifies HTTP server creation with websockets, authentication, authorization and serialization. Repository link
Discord++ is a modular library for connecting bots to the Discord API. Beast.HTTP and Beast.WebSocket are technically just used in the modules REST: Beast and WebSocket: Beast but as of right now there aren't any alternative modules that provide the required functions.
Osman Zakir (DragonOsman) I created a web app that has a C++ backend using Boost.Beast. It uses HTTPS asynchronously. I host the app on my own computer and have added a function to my portfolio site's work section that checks if the app is running or not. App, if it's running, will be available here.
Source code can be found on GitHub here.
Currently it uses C++17 on the backend and vanilla ES6 on the front-end JavaScript code.
Remaken uses Beast.HTTP and ASIO for http download of c++ binaries dependencies.
algot.io uses Beast to send and receive financial data for high frequency crypto-trading and real-time data visualization.
autoroute is a Websocket simple throughput benchmark, which uses Beast alongside other Websocket libraries and multiple languages (C , C++, Python, Javascript, Rust, Go...).
Nokia uses beast as a http file server to upgrade its legacy network elements.
Kingsoft Cloud uses Beast.WebSocket and ASIO on Regame/Liuguang/鎏光 project, which is a Cloud Gaming Engine.
MTConnect Institute is using Beast to implement their next-generation open-source Agent for their ReST API, resources, and MQTT support.
The MTConnect Agent is the reference implementation of the MTConnect Standard providing a platform for semantic data transformation from native industrial device protocols to the canonical structure, terms, and telemetry required by the standard. Moving to Beast has enabled TLS certificates for security and authentication with reduced thread overhead for all communications using asio.
Beauty uses Beast to implement a HTTP/Websocket server with routing, and variable rules. Its goal is to provide a simple and easy experience while using HTTP and/or WebSocket in C++. Http Client is also provided.
GameOn is using BEAST for real-time streaming of video and tracking information between internal services and to clients.
GreekBot by guard3 is a Discord bot client for the Learning Greek server, written from scratch as a hobby. It uses Beast (HTTP and WebSocket)
Bae City Beast by Sadhbh Code is a higher-level wrapper around Beast which provides ultra-simple to use HTTPS service via user defined servlet class.
ViVa Games is using Beast to implement all sorts of HTTPS webhook third-party integrations in the game Kakele Online - MMORPG.