Simple & easy to use library for creating web servers in C#
Contact me from discord for additional help & suggestions
Discord: borasy
using System;
using SimpleWebServer;
using SimpleWebServer.Extensions;
namespace ConsoleApp1
internal class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
WebServer server = new WebServer("http://localhost:8080/");
Console.WriteLine("Started Listening");
await Task.Delay(-1);
using System;
using System.Net;
using SimpleWebServer.Attributes;
using SimpleWebServer.Extensions;
namespace ConsoleApp1
internal class Controller1
public async Task Main(HttpListenerContext ctx) => ctx.Redirect("/index");
public async Task Index(HttpListenerContext ctx)
string? name = ctx.Request.QueryString["name"];
string response = $"Hello, {name ?? "World"}";
bool success = await ctx.CreateHTMLResponseAsync(response);
Console.WriteLine(success ? "Successfully created response" : "An error occured while creating response");
Namespace: SimpleWebServer
Creating The Server:
WebServer server = new WebServer(string RootURL);
- string RootURL: The host name with scheme, subdomain (optional) and port (optional) [Examples: "http://localhost:8080/", ""]
Starting The Server:
Stopping The Server:
Adding Controller Class To The Server:
server.AddController<T>(PreExecuteControllerMethod PreExecute = null);
T: The Controller Class
PreExecuteControllerMethod PreExecute (Optional): PreExecute method for this controller (This method will be executed before the controller methods to handle bulk authentication/authorization. If it returns true, the specified controller method will be executed; otherwise, the specified controller method won't be executed)
RETURNS: Added endpoint count (int)
Adding single API Endpoint To The Server:
server.AddRoute(string path, ControllerMethod controllerMethod, HttpMethod allowedMethods = HttpMethod.ALLOW_ALL);
- string path: Path of the endpoint (asterisk (*) wildcard is supported) [Examples: "/", "/index", "/api/users", "/assets/*", "/users/modify/*"]
- ControllerMethod controllerMethod: The method that will be executed when a user sends a request to the specified path.
- HttpMethod allowedMethods (Optional): Allowed HTTP Methods, ALLOW_ALL by default (Can be stacked using the | (bitwise or) character)
: This event that will be invoked when a user sends a request to an undefined path. Use this event to create custom 405 response.WebServer.On405MethodNotAllolwed
: The event that will be invoked when a user sends a request with an invalid http method. Use this event to create custom 405 response.
: The method that will be executed when a user sends a request to the specified path.INPUT PARAMETER: HttpListenerContext
: This method will be executed before the controller methods to handle bulk authentication/authorization. If it returns true, the specified controller method will be executed; otherwise, the specified controller method won't be executed.INPUT PARAMETER: HttpListenerContext
Namespace: SimpleWebServer.Attributes
[WebPath(string Path, HttpMethod allowedMethods = HttpMethod.ALLOW_ALL)]
Use this attribute on Controller Methods inside Controller Classes to specify the path and HttpMethod.
- string Path: Path of the endpoint (asterisk (*) wildcard is supported) [Examples: "/", "/index", "/api/users", "/assets/*", "/users/modify/*"]
- HttpMethod allowedMethods (Optional): Allowed HTTP Methods, ALLOW_ALL by default (Can be stacked using the | (bitwise or) character)
Namespace: SimpleWebServer.Extensions
HttpListenerResponse.CreateHTMLResponse(string HTMLContent, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null, string charset = "utf-8");
HttpListenerResponse.CreateHTMLResponseAsync(string HTMLContent, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null, string charset = "utf-8");
Creates an HTML response to the incoming request with necessary headers.
- string HTMLContent: HTML content in string format
- int statusCode (Optional): HTTP Status Code, 200 [OK] by default
- Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders (Optional): Additional HTTP headers, none by default
- string charset (Optional) HTTP Charset, UTF-8 by default
- RETURNS: True if the response creation is successful; otherwise, false. (bool)
HttpListenerResponse.CreateCSSResponse(string CSSContent, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null, string charset = "utf-8");
HttpListenerResponse.CreateCSSResponseAsync(string CSSContent, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null, string charset = "utf-8");
Creates a CSS response to the incoming request with necessary headers.
- string CSSContent: CSS content in string format
- int statusCode (Optional): HTTP Status Code, 200 [OK] by default
- Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders (Optional): Additional HTTP headers, none by default
- string charset (Optional) HTTP Charset, UTF-8 by default
- RETURNS: True if the response creation is successful; otherwise, false. (bool)
HttpListenerResponse.CreateJavaScriptResponse(string javaScriptContent, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null, string charset = "utf-8");
HttpListenerResponse.CreateJavaScriptResponseAsync(string javaScriptContent, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null, string charset = "utf-8");
Creates a JavaScript response to the incoming request with necessary headers.
- string javaScriptContent: JavaScript content in string format
- int statusCode (Optional): HTTP Status Code, 200 [OK] by default
- Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders (Optional): Additional HTTP headers, none by default
- string charset (Optional) HTTP Charset, UTF-8 by default
- RETURNS: True if the response creation is successful; otherwise, false. (bool)
HttpListenerResponse.CreateFileResponse(string filePath, string customFileName = null, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string,string> additionalHeaders = null);
HttpListenerResponse.CreateFileResponseAsync(string filePath, string customFileName = null, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string,string> additionalHeaders = null);
Creates a file response to the incoming request.
- string filePath: Path of the response file
- string customFileName (Optional): Custom file name for the response file
- int statusCode (Optional): HTTP Status Code, 200 [OK] by default
- Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders (Optional): Additional HTTP headers, none by default
- RETURNS: True if the response creation is successful; otherwise, false. (bool)
HttpListenerResponse.CreateStringResponse(string content, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null, string charset = "utf-8");
HttpListenerResponse.CreateStringResponseAsync(string content, int statusCode = 200, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null, string charset = "utf-8");
Creates a plain text response to the incoming request with necessary headers.
- string content: String Content
- int statusCode (Optional): HTTP Status Code, 200 [OK] by default
- Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders (Optional): Additional HTTP headers, none by default
- string charset (Optional): HTTP Charset, UTF-8 by default
- RETURNS: True if the response creation is successful; otherwise, false. (bool)
HttpListenerResponse.CreateResponse(byte[] buffer, int statusCode = 200, string contentType = null, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null);
HttpListenerResponse.CreateResponseAsync(byte[] buffer, int statusCode = 200, string contentType = null, Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders = null);
Creates a response to the incoming request.
- byte[] buffer: Bytes to be sent
- int statusCode (Optional): HTTP Status Code, 200 [OK] by default
- string contentTypeHeader (Optional): HTTP Content Type header, null by default
- Dictionary<string, string> additionalHeaders (Optional): Additional HTTP headers, none by default
- RETURNS: True if the response creation is successful; otherwise, false. (bool)
HttpListenerResponse.Redirect(string destinationURL);
Redirects the incoming request to a different URL.
- string destinationURL: The destination URL for redirection