IndyBot is a bot powered by invokedynamic
- create a bot and get a token (https://api.slack.com/bot-users) for your bot
- invite the bot in a channel
- set an environment variable for the token, eg
export SLACK_INDY_TOKEN=bot_token_from_slack
- script is in
- its name is
remark: you can rename it or create a new one, so don't forget to updateindybot.slack.sh
SLACK_INDY_TOKEN=your_token golo golo --classpath jars/*.jar --files core/*.golo adapters/adapter.slack.golo applications/app.slack.golo
module appslack
import bots
import adapter.slack # the needed adapter
function main = |args| {
let indy = indyBot()
indy: connect(System.getenv("SLACK_INDY_TOKEN")) # get the token
# it allows to set the id of IndyBot
indy: onActive({
indy: sendMessage("Hello :earth_africa:", "testbob")
# IndyBot is listening
# IndyBot is triggered if somebody sends a message with a notification for him
indy: listen(|message| {
let txt = message: text()
# IndyBot answers to the sender
indy: sendMessage(
":kissing_smiling_eyes: yo <@"+message: user()+">, I'm Indy",
- type:
- or
golo golo --classpath jars/*.jar --files core/*.golo adapters/adapter.slack.golo applications/app.slack.golo
You have to set the adapter and the application script
- create a bot in Rocket.Chat
- invite the bot in a room
- set environment variables:
export ROCKETCHAT_INDY_PASSWORD=password_of_indy_in_rocket_chat
export ROCKETCHAT_INDY_URL=http://localhost:8083
- script is in
- its name is
remark: you can rename it or create a new one, so don't forget to updateindybot.rocket.chat.sh
module approcketchat
import bots
import adapter.rocket.chat # the needed adapter
function main = |args| {
let indy = indyBot()
# get credentials
let userName = System.getenv("ROCKETCHAT_INDY_USER")
let userPassword = System.getenv("ROCKETCHAT_INDY_PASSWORD")
let urlConnection = System.getenv("ROCKETCHAT_INDY_URL")
let connection = indy: delay(2000_L): connect(urlConnection, userName, userPassword)
let connectionSuccess = {
indy: sendMessage("Hello :earth_africa:", "general")
# IndyBot is listenin on "general" room
# IndyBot is triggered if somebody sends a message with a notification for him
indy: listen("general", |message| {
println(message: msg())
# IndyBot answers to the sender
indy: sendMessage(
"Hello :heart: @" + message: u(): username() + " How are you? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:",
match {
when connection: isError() then println("😡 Indy can't connect to Rocket.Chat")
when connection: isValue() then connectionSuccess()
otherwise println("🤔 It's embarrassing")
- type:
- or
golo golo --classpath jars/*.jar --files core/*.golo adapters/adapter.rocket.chat.golo applications/app.rocket.chat.golo
You have to set the adapter and the application script