This folder contains the Angular web application.
This folder contains the Spring Boot application which runs an embedded Tomcat server and connects to the HyperLedger Fabric network using the fabric-gateway-java dependency.
This folder contains the smart contract developed in NodeJs using dependencies like fabric network, the project is then compiled, packaged and loaded onto a fabric environment. It takes advantage of IBM Blochain Platform VScode extension to load and manage the smart-contract onto the local fabric network.
This folder is mainly used for migrating the wallet from the 1.4 Version to 2.x+ because the server application uses th latest fabric-java-sdk dependency which uses a new, faster way to configure a wallet to use withing the network.
- Client- Angular 11, PrimeNg 11, Bootstrap 4, RxJs
- Server- Spring Boot 2.4.2 , Swagger-UI 2.9.2, fabric-gateway-java 2.2.1
- Smart-contract- fabric-contract-api ^2.2.0, fabric-shim ^2.2.0, fabric-network 2.2.5
- Migration-Wallet- fabric-network 2.2.5, fabric-wallet-migration 0.2.0
- Project basic skeleton using CRUD transactions of the smart-contract
- Smart contract update ( introduce listeners and bussiness logic)
- Security and User authentification server(Spring Security with Keycloak maybe?)
- Configure Swagger
- Client/Server Applications code refactor
- Web interface rework(Angular Material)
- Cloud Migration onto IBM Cloud
- CI/CD Pipeline