Marlin-renderer 0.5.7
Release v0.5.7:
- marlin-0.5.7-Unsafe.jar (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin-0.5.7-Unsafe-sun-java2d.jar (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
- Compatible with the Marlin-Graphics project
- Moved java.awt.geom.Path2D patch to org.marlin.geom (security issue) + removed FastPath2D
- Merged with openjdk branch (minor changes)
- Added (incorrect) Gamma correction to adjust contrast: use -Dsun.java2d.renderer.gamma=1.8 or 2.2
Your feedback is VERY important !
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Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !