Marlin-renderer 0.5 Alpha
Release v0.5A:
- marlin-0.5A.jar (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin-0.5A-sun-java2d.jar (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 10% faster
- based on Marlin-renderer 0.4.1
- use sun.misc.Unsafe to use off-heap memory for edge data: ~ 5% faster
As using Unsafe may crash your JVM (possible segfault), this warning is displayed at startup:
INFO: Using sun.misc.Unsafe: No warranty (may crash your JVM) !
INFO: USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISKS = do not use in production (ALPHA Release).
Altough it was tested a lot without any crash, this release is still not recommended in a production environment.
Your feedback is very important !
Please tell us if your appreciate marlin and if it fits well your workload, use cases...
Enjoy !