Marlin-renderer 0.7.0
Release v0.7.0:
- marlin-0.7.0-Unsafe.jar (RenderingEngine only)
- marlin-0.7.0-Unsafe-sun-java2d.jar (patched sun.java2d.AAShapePipe): ~ 5 to 10% faster (multi-threading)
- Compatible with the Marlin-Graphics project
- Improved subpixel accuracy to pixel centers (quality improvement)
- Use Fixed-point 32.31 arithmetic to perform DDA in scanline edge processing
- Optimized cubic / quad flattening
- Improved FloatMath performance and accuracy
- Fixed findbugs warnings (default switch case, member syntax)
- Moved Marlin settings into MarlinProperties class to fix circular dependency
- NormalizingPathIterator improvements using two different instances
- Fixed MinPenSize depending on the subpixel norm
Your feedback is VERY important !
Please tell me if your appreciate Marlin...
Just post your comments on the forum:!topic/marlin-renderer/biSbzplNlOc
Enjoy !