HexoPlate is a Minecraft plugin that provides hexagonal plate terrain for island-style servers. With the plugin, players are able to create, upgrade and extend plates in a hexagonal grid centered on their island.
Spigot 1.13-1.19 (tested in paper/purpur 1.19 Server)
Currently operations to the plates can only be performed by the console or by the admin with permissions. Players can view their information via /hexplate playerinfo
Commands | Permissions | Descriptions |
/hexoplate, /hexo or /hex | hexoplate.commands.main hexoplate.commands.help |
Main: Use /hexoplate related commands Help: Check the commands help list |
/hexoplate calculate | hexoplate.commands.admin.calculate | Calculate convertion between the coords offset/polar/relative Options at :relativeToOffset, polarToOffset, offsetToPolar, polarToCentral |
/hexoplate admincreate [type] | hexoplate.commands.admin.create | Create the plate grids (and central plate) for specified player [type] - optional to select the specified type in the list (under type in config.yml). If empty, the default plate type will be selected. |
/hexoplate extend [type] | hexoplate.commands.admin.extend | Extend(Create) a new plate for specified players corresponds to the X and Z coordinates of the plate in the player's Polar coordinate grid. |
/hexoplate reload | hexoplate.commands.admin.reload | Reload the plugin |
/hexoplate upgrade | hexoplate.commands.admin.upgrade | Upgrade the plates that already exist before for the specified player for the increased level (can be negative) |
/hexoplate playerinfo [player] | hexoplate.commands.playerinfo.* | View the information for the specified player (If empty, view player's own information) |
/hexoplate playerinfo | hexoplate.commands.playerinfo.me |
version: 0.1
message-language: en_US
# Message file in the locale folder.
# Option: en_US, zh_CN
plugin-prefix: "§f[§6Hexo§ePlate§f] §a"
height: 64
# Y-axis that plate will be created.
maximum: 10
# Affect maximum number of the polarX (radius).
# Maximum * plate-width should not larger than player-interval.
world: bskyblock_world
# World that hexoplate will affect.
radius: 40
# Preset for max polar plate radius when generating hexoplate convert list.
# Should be larger than or equal to player-interval / plate-width.
border-access: true
# Whether detect interaction with the border.
# If true, when the event happened in the border which are between two unlocked plate, it wouldn't be cancel.
plate-length: 17
plate-width: 20
# The width and length of a plate in schem.
# Shouldn't be changed until in future.
plate-schem-group: default
# Group of the schem under length * width set up above.
# Make it possible to have multiple groups in the config at the same time.
players-interval: 500
# Interval between two players's central plate.
# Setting of the background. A background schem will be generated when a player create the new plate grid.
# Sequence: 1. Generate background schem. 2. Generate plate schem. 3. Teleport player.
status: true
schem-file: default_bg.schem
# When the option is true, the generating will ignore the air in the schem.
ignore-air: true
# border-calculation: # 2d-array of 20*4
# L1: 5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4
# L2: 6,6,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6
# L3: 0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1,0
# L4: 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2
# Plate schem file list.
# You can list multiple filenames here to make generator randomly choose from them each time.
- default.schem
schem-ignore-air: true
# Initial level of a plate.
depth-level: 0
height-level: 0
depth-level: 1
height-level: 1
# Available block range of each level.
# Level larger than maximum will not be effective.
maximum: 1
0: 64
1: 32
2: 0
maximum: 1
0: 96
1: 128
2: 160
Locale/en_US.yml: English messages
Data/data.yml: Player data storage
- Add GUI for Player Upgrade / Extend
- Support skyblock or island-style Plugins
- Support PAPI Variables
- Add support for SQL storage
- Supports plate grid for different shape and dimension
- Members List for the plate