parses JSON, returns a Java object parse tree
Execute "javac jsonparser/*.java" from root directory of repository
Add the statement "import jsonparser.Parser;" to your Java source file
Create a Parser object
- "Parser parser = new Parser();"
Call the parse method of the Parser object on a File object or a String object
- parser.parse(new"path/of/your/json/file"));
- parser.parse("{\"key1\" : \"value1\", \"key2\": \"value2\"}");
- Note: you must escape JSON string literals
parser.parse returns root of the parse tree, which is a JsonElement
- JsonElement is a superclass of the following classes:
- JsonObject
- JsonArray
- JsonString
- JsonNumber
- JsonBoolean
- JsonNull
- JsonElement is a superclass of the following classes:
Call the corresponding method for each class, listed below, to get the underlying object
- JsonObject - Map<String, JsonElement> getMap()
- JsonArray - List getList()
- JsonString - String getString()
- JsonNumber - Double getDouble()
- JsonNull - none
- JsonBoolean - Boolean getBoolean
With the methods above you can traverse the tree and get the data from a node