A Swift and Objective-C client for Sentry.
Using CocoaPods
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'Sentry', :git => '[email protected]:getsentry/sentry-objc.git'
import Sentry
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
// Log all crashes to Sentry
Sentry.installWithDsn("https://mydsnuser:[email protected]/myprojectid");
return true
func sendLogEventsToSentry() {
Sentry.logDebug("Send a debug log event to Sentry!")
Sentry.logInfo("Send an info log event to Sentry!")
Sentry.logWarning("Send a warning log event to Sentry!")
Sentry.logError("Send an error log event to Sentry!")
Sentry.logFatal("Send a fatal log event to Sentry!")
Sentry.logNavigationFrom("main" to: "settings")
Sentry.logUIEventOfType("touch" withTarget: "start button")
#import "Sentry.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Log all crashes to Sentry
[Sentry installWithDsn:@"https://mydsnuser:[email protected]/myprojectid"];
return YES;
- (void)sendLogEventsToSentry {
[Sentry logDebug:@"Send a debug log event to Sentry!"];
[Sentry logInfo:@"Send an info log event to Sentry!"];
[Sentry logWarning:@"Send a warning log event to Sentry!"];
[Sentry logError:@"Send an error log event to Sentry!"];
[Sentry logFatal:@"Send a fatal log event to Sentry!"];
[Sentry logNavigationFrom:@"main" to:@"settings"];
[Sentry logUIEventOfType:@"touch" withTarget:@"start button"];
A DSYM can be uploaded to Sentry using sentry-cli.
After installing sentry-cli, you can create a simple bash script to upload your DSYMs
if [ "X$DSYM_FILE" = "X" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <path to dsym>"
exit 1
set -e
set -u
if [ ! -d "$DSYM_FILE" ]; then
echo "Error: DSYM not found: $DSYM_FILE"
exit 1
sentry-cli --api-key ${API_KEY} upload-dsym --org ${ORG_SLUG} --project ${PROJECT_SLUG} "${DSYM_FILE}"