A WordPress theme package for building Laravel Livewire inspired WordPress components with Alpine.js.
Install the package via composer.
cd wp-content/themes/your-theme
composer require boxybird/morph
Location: /wp-config.php
Location: /your-theme/functions.php
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Location: /wp-admin/options-permalink.php
Visit and refresh permalinks by clicking "Save Changes" button
By default, this package pre-bundles Alpine. If you site already has Alpine installed, you should dequeue this packages version to avoid conflicts.
Note: A minimum version of Alpine 3.11.0 is required.
Location: /your-theme/functions.php
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function () {
$wpMorph({ ... }, {
onStart: () => {},
onResponse: res => {},
onSuccess: data => {},
onError: error => {},
onFinish: () => {},
By default, the morph_component('example');
function will look for a matching file of name you passed in. E.g. /your-theme/morph/components/example.php
You can override this root folder path by using the morph/component/path
add_filter('morph/component/path', function ($path) {
$path = get_template_directory() . '/custom-folder/';
return $path;
Location: /your-theme/index.php
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php morph_component('counter.class'); ?>
<?php morph_component('counter.procedural'); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Location: /your-theme/morph/components/counter/class.php
// Class
[$count] = morph_render(new class {
public $count;
public function __construct()
$this->count = (int) get_option('count', 0);
public function increment()
update_option('count', ++$this->count);
<div x-data>
<span><?= $count; ?></span>
<button x-on:click="$wpMorph('increment')">Increment</button>
Location: /your-theme/morph/components/counter/procedural.php
// Procedural
$count = (int) get_option('count', 0);
if ($_POST['increment'] ?? false) {
update_option('count', ++$count);
<div x-data>
<span><?= $count; ?></span>
<button x-on:click="$wpMorph('increment')">Increment</button>
Location: /your-theme/index.php
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php morph_component('event'); ?>
<?php morph_component('listener'); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Location: /your-theme/morph/components/event.php
<div x-data>
<button x-on:click="$dispatch('notify', 'A notification from the event.php component.')"
>Dispatch Event</button>
Location: /your-theme/morph/components/listener.php
$notification = $_POST['notification'] ?? null;
<div x-data x-on:notify.window="$wpMorph({ notification: $event.detail })">
<p><?= $notification; ?></p>
Location: /your-theme/some-js-file.js
document.addEventListener('notify', function ({ detail }) {
console.log(detail) // A notification from the event.php component.