Build and deploy an AWS Redis Enterprise Cluster, create and join cluster, run memtier benchmark and export json to S3.
- Create VPC
- subnet, internet gateway, security group, route table
- Create elastic ips
- Create 3 EC2 instances from AWS marketplace AMI for Redis Enterprise
- associate elastic ip public address with EC2s
- Using existing DNS hostname (hostname id required) create A records and NS records
- (with the EC2 associated elastic ip addresses)
- Create EC2 and install memtier_benchmark
- run Redis Enterprise REST API curl commands to:
- create cluster
- join cluster
- create db
- run memtier benchmark commands on created redis enterprise db
- export json to generated S3.
- run memtier benchmark commands on created redis enterprise db
- run Redis Enterprise REST API curl commands to:
- subnet, internet gateway, security group, route table
Terraform installed and an AWS account.
- AWS credentials
- AWS access key and AWS secret key
- AWS ssh key
- working DNS hosted zone
- require the id (you can find it in R53 hosted zones)
git clone
cd terraform-redis-enterprise-cluster-aws
terraform init
The output should include:
Terraform has been successfully initialized!
Copy the variables template.
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
Update terraform.tfvars with your [AWS creds, AWS ssh key, DNS hosted zone id, and other variables]
terraform plan
terraform apply
Go access your Redis Cluster from the FQDN.
- you can find the cluster FQDN and username and password in the outputs.
RedisEnterpriseClusterFQDN = ""
RedisEnterpriseClusterPassword = "123456"
RedisEnterpriseClusterUsername = "[email protected]"
Remove the resources that were created. (BE SURE TO GO AND DELETE THE JSON FILE FROM YOUR S3 BUCKET)
terraform destroy