This sample serves as an introduction to the mapp Robotics tracking technology.
- 5 variants of a delta application
- Standard pick&place
- Pick&place with conditional stop
- Pick&place with Multigripper
- Pre-palletizing
- Sorting of producs
- Automatic scene generation for Scene Viewer 6.x
- Automation Studio/Runtime 6.x
- mapp Motion 6.2
- Scene Viewer 6.1.x
- Download the last release↑ of project and open with AS
- Enable simulation, build and transfer the project. Wait for RUN.
- Open a watch window and use the ::ControlPanel:Input structure to start different scenarios
- Watch the action in Scene Viewer (User & Password: gmctest)
To select an application add the variable ControlPanel to the watch window.
The NC Programs ( are located directly in the project folder root. The file device reference is set to the FileDevices folder.