func AggregatorFunc
func AggregatorFunc[Input, Output any](ctx context.Context, input <-chan Input, count int, f func(ctx context.Context, input ...Input) Output) <-chan Output
AggregatorFunc uses the given function to aggregate n Inputs to one Output.
func Bridge
func Bridge[Input any](ctx context.Context, inputsStream <-chan <-chan Input) <-chan Input
Bridge takes a channel of input channels and combines their elements into a single output channel.
func Buffer
func Buffer[Input any](ctx context.Context, input <-chan Input, count int) <-chan Input
Buffer converts a given channel into a buffered channel.
func DecomposerFunc
func DecomposerFunc[Input, Output any](ctx context.Context, input <-chan Input, f func(input Input) []Output) <-chan Output
DecomposerFunc uses the given function to decompose each input from a channel of generic Inputs to a channel of generic Outputs.
func FilterFunc
func FilterFunc[Input any](ctx context.Context, input <-chan Input, f func(ctx context.Context, input Input) bool) (_, _ <-chan Input)
FilterFunc takes a context, input channel, and a filter function that accepts an input and returns a boolean. It returns two channels. One that blocks with the inputs that pass the filter, and one doesn't block with the inputs that do not pass the filter.
func Merge
func Merge[Input any](ctx context.Context, inputChannels ...<-chan Input) <-chan Input
Merge merges the input channels into a single output channel.
func OrDone
func OrDone[Input any](done <-chan struct{}, inputs <-chan Input) <-chan Input
OrDone wraps a channel with a done channel and returns a forwarding channel that closes when either the original channel or the done channel closes.
func RepeatFunc
func RepeatFunc[Output any](ctx context.Context, fn func() Output) <-chan Output
func SinkFunc
func SinkFunc[Input any](ctx context.Context, inputs <-chan Input, f func(ctx context.Context, input Input))
SinkFunc executes a function on each item in a channel until the channel is closed or the context is cancelled.
func Take
func Take[Input any](ctx context.Context, input <-chan Input, count int) <-chan Input
Take returns a channel that closes after receiving the specified number of elements from the specified input channel.
func Tee
func Tee[Input any](ctx context.Context, input <-chan Input) (_, _ <-chan Input)
Tee splits the input channel into two output channels, and blocks reading the next input until both output channels receive each element.
func ToSlice
func ToSlice[Input any](ctx context.Context, input <-chan Input, count int) []Input
ToSlice converts up to the specified number of elements from the specified input channel into a slice. If the input channel is closed or the context is canceled before the specified number of elements are read, the slice will be shorter than the specified number of elements.
func TransformerFunc
func TransformerFunc[Input, Output any](ctx context.Context, input <-chan Input, f func(ctx context.Context, input Input) Output) <-chan Output
TransformerFunc uses the given function to transform a channel of generic Inputs to a channel of generic Outputs.
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