MangoPaySDK is a Java client library to work with MangoPay REST API.
SDK has been written in Java 7. It depends only on a single external package: gson 2.2.4.
The installation is as easy as downloading the two jar files and storing them under any classpath/location that will be available for imports in your project:
MangoPaySDK is distributed under MIT license, see LICENSE file.
JUnit tests are placed under tests directory.
Report bugs or suggest features using issue tracker at GitHub.
import com.mangopay.MangoPayApi;
import com.mangopay.entities.Client;
// ...
MangoPayApi api = new MangoPayApi();
Client client = api.Clients.create(
"[email protected]"
// you receive your password here, note it down and keep in secret
See the example above and call api.Clients.create
once to get your passphrase.
Then set api.Config.ClientId
to your MangoPay Client ID and
to your passphrase.
is set to sandbox environment by default. To enable production
environment, set it to
import com.mangopay.MangoPayApi;
// ...
MangoPayApi api = new MangoPayApi();
// configuration
api.Config.ClientId = "your-client-id";
api.Config.ClientPassword = "your-client-password";
//api.Config.BaseUrl = "";
// call some API methods...
List<User> users = api.Users.getAll();
import com.mangopay.MangoPayApi;
import com.mangopay.entities.User;
import com.mangopay.entities.BankAccount;
import com.mangopay.core.Pagination;
import java.util.List;
// ...
MangoPayApi api = new MangoPayApi();
// get some user by id
User john = api.Users.get(someId);
// change and update some of his data
john.Tag += " - CHANGED";
// get all users (with pagination)
Pagination pagination = new Pagination(1, 8); // get 1st page, 8 items per page
List<User> users = api.Users.getAll(pagination);
// get his bank accounts
pagination = new Pagination(2, 10); // get 2nd page, 10 items per page
List<BankAccount> accounts = api.Users.getBankAccounts(john.Id, pagination);