A Copier template for a Python package based on my favorite tools. See the rendered version.
uvx copier copy --trust gh:branchvincent/python-template .
- Package manager: Poetry
- Formatting: Ruff
- Testing: pytest
- Linting: Ruff and pre-commit
- Typing: mypy
- Task runner: taskipy
- CI/CD: Github Actions
- Automated versioning, changelog, and release via Conventional Commits
- Automated dependency updates via Dependabot
- Editor integration: VS Code
- Documentation: MkDocs (optional)
- Docker support (optional)
- Managing Python versions? pyenv
- Building an API? FastAPI
- Building a CLI? typer or click
- Analyzing data? pandas
- Logging? Loguru
- Declarative project metadata via pyproject.toml
- Automate as much as possible