This module allows for different node to be announced via different services (central advertise service, OpenDHT, or both).
advertise_announce(key, value, ttlval, concurrentevents=2, graceperiod=10, timeout=60)
Adds a value to the OpenDHT, central advertise service, or both.
- ttlval must be a positive integer that describes the amount of time until the value expires.
- concurrentevents is how many services to announce in parallel.
- graceperiod and timeout are both optional parameters.
advertise_lookup(key, maxvals=100, lookuptype=None, concurrentevents=2, graceperiod=10, timeout=60)
Lookup an value stored at the given key in OpenDHT, central advertise service, or both.
- lookuptype defaults to look in all types.
- lookuptype, concurrentevents, graceperiod, and timeout are all optional.
#retrieve node list from advertise_lookup
node_list = advertise_lookup(node_state_pubkey, maxvals = 10*1024*1024, lookuptype=[server_lookup_type])
#within node manager
advertise_announce(advertisekey, str(my_name), adTTL)