Utilizes OpenDHT to advertise availability of nodes.
openDHTadvertise_announce(key, value, ttlval, concurrentevents=5, proxiestocheck=5, timeout=None)
Announces a (key, value) pair to OpenDHT.
- ttlval must be a positive integer that describes the amount of time until the value expires.
- Exception will be raised if XML-RPC connections fail.
openDHTadvertise_lookup(key, maxvals=100, concurrentevents=5, proxiestocheck=5, timeout=None):
Looks up the (key, value) pair from the OpenDHT.
- maxvals must be a positive integer that describes how many values to return.
Check to see if a server is ready for OpenDHT.
openDHTadvertise_get_proxy_list(maxnumberofattempts=5, concurrentevents=5)
Retrieves a list of active OpenDHT proxies.
...? only located in .svn directories?