#KoGrid : A Knockout DataGrid#
By: Eric M. Barnard
License: MIT
Dependencies: jQuery & Knockout
##About## KoGrid came out of our need for a decent datagrid that was built for MVVM/Knockout-style development. It draws considerable inspiration and architecture from SlickGrid, but is still KO throughout.
##Disclaimer## KoGrid is ALPHA currently... BUT I might know a few organizations going live in production here soon...
The sizzle:
<div data-bind="koGrid: { data: myObservableArray }"></div>
var vm = {
myObservableArray: ko.observableArray(/* array of any complex obects */)
##Want More?## Check out the Getting Started and other Docs
- Simple Example : Shows the absolute bare-minimum needed to get up and running
- Defined Columns Example : Shows a grid with columns defined
- Complex Example with Server Side Paging, Filtering, Sorting : Shows an example that easily allows server-side paging, sorting, and filtering
- Large Data Set : 10000+ rows! Shows virtualized scrolling, sorting and filtering
- Master-Details : Shows an example of Master-Detail display (click on row to display details)