Many thanks to itwars for the K3s playbook, from which this repo was forked
The playbook has been only tested on fresh minimal installs of Ubuntu 20.04~24.04 with amd64 and arm64 architecture. The playbook assumes you have an NFS, ELK servers and local docker registry. It will attempt to provision the K3s nodes, NVidia drivers, self-signed cert issuer and the apps listed below. Exclude what you don't need in site.yml
- role: apps/node-feature-discovery
- role: apps/whisper-asr
- role: apps/ollama
- role: apps/mimic3
- role: apps/fasttext
- role: apps/open-webui
- role: apps/rancher
- role: apps/filebeat
I have not found Mimic3 images available in public registries, hence the local registry addition.
Remove unneeded roles from the playbook
Edit all.yml and replace with your local network values.
Update the inventory with your nodes.
Setup the virtual environment in the path of the repo:
python -m venv ./
source ./bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure to use ansible-vault for your secret values.
Run the playbook example:
./bin/ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventory/example/hosts.ini \
--ask-pass --ask-become-pass --ask-vault-pass \
-e "reboot=true do_bootstrap=true"