Citation to the original paper: Rocheteau, E., Lio`, P. & Hyland, S. Temporal point- wise convolutional networks for length of stay pre- diction in the intensive care unit. In Proceedings of the Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning, 58–68 (2021).
Link to the original paper’s repo (if applicable):
Dependencies: Package Dependencies in: requirements.txt
Data download instruction: Need credentialed access to eICU dataset.
To run the sql files, set up eICU database:
Follow the instructions: to ensure the correct connection configuration.
Preprocessing code + command (if applicable):
Preprocessing code in : eICU_preprocessing/create_all_tables.sql.
Clone this repository
Replace the eICU_path in
to a convenient location in your computer, and do the same foreICU_preprocessing/create_all_tables.sql
using find and replace for'/content/drive/MyDrive/eICU_data/'
. Leave the extra '/' at the end. -
In your terminal, navigate to the project directory, then type the following commands:
psql 'dbname=eicu user=eicu options=--search_path=eicu'
Inside the psql console:
\i eICU_preprocessing/create_all_tables.sql
This step might take a couple of hours.
To quit the psql console:
Then run the pre-processing scripts in your terminal. This may take a couple hours:
python3 -m eICU_preprocessing.run_all_preprocessing
Training and Evaluation code + command (if applicable):
Training and Evaluation code for each model listed separately: eg models/ to run the TPC model; models/ to run the LSTM model.
- Set the working directory to the TPC-LoS-prediction, and run the following command:
Specify command line arguments to hyperparameter values:
python3 -m models.run_tpc --dataset eICU --task LoS --model_type tpc --percentage_data 10 #TPC model
python3 -m models.run_LSTM --dataset eICU --task LoS --model_type lstm --percentage_data 10 #LSTM model
python3 -m models.run_transformer --dataset eICU --task LoS --model_type transformer --percentage_data 10 #Transformer model
Run this script to run experiments:
python3 -m models.hyperparameter_scripts.eICU.hyperparameter_tuning_exp
Pretrained model (if applicable):
Table of results (no need to include additional experiments, but main reproducibility result should be included)
Presentation slides:
Performance for each model on 10% data and the improvement range % of the TPC model over the best baseline. Bolded metric numbers show the best model is TPC for each metric.