This is an Godot for rope phisics
The shape of the rope is controlled by curve. When the game starts between every two points of the curve is created a rigid body and connected to his neighbours whit pin joint.
You can add or remove control points of the curve and you can pin every control point to the "wall".
- Backe Interval: Sets the distance in pixels between two adjacent cached points
- Width: the width of every rigid body
- Softness: the sofftnes of every pin joint
- Mass: the mass of every rigid body
- Bounce: the bouncines of every rigid body
- Pined Points: it is the array that contains which control points are pinned. It is controlled from the UI: the small pin icon (if it's red it means it is pined). By default the first is pined
Originally written by Vladimir Stoilov (, ported to Godot 3 (using Line2D) by Tomáš "brendor" Kováč (