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data driven cutoffs

Brent Pedersen edited this page Jan 10, 2020 · 5 revisions

slivar ddc is used to find which cutoffs can be used to filter a VCF. It allows looking at individual FILTER fields and at INFO and FORMAT fields. It uses transmitted variants and mendelian violations in trios as a proxy for true and false positives: a good filter will retain most transmitted variants and remove many violations.

Run as:

slivar ddc --info-fields 'LCR,BaseQRankSum,FS,VQSLOD' --fmt-fields 'AB,GQ' $vcf $ped

where the INFO fields (--info-fields) must be Flag, Float, or Integer fields with Number of 1 (or 0 for Flag). The $vcf must contain trios specified in the pedigree/fam file in $ped.

The gif below shows usage:

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